In order to not offend the zealots, the news media choses sides and sticks to their corner.
There used to be a few TV networks that provided news and each town had 2 or 3 newspapers to choose from. In order to be competitive, none of those organizations could have a shot at a large market share by being biased. Occasionally, the reader had to put up with being offended by what they read, but they came back to that same source of news the next day, or maybe it took a week for feelings to no longer be hurt.
Today, the options are practically unlimited. Hell, you don’t know me, but you’re reading the drivel I’m writing correct? No one has to be offended by their choice of news anymore. If they don’t like what’s being reported on, they go elsewhere. There’s no need to have a thick skin to read the news anymore.
This has caused our news sources to pick sides. Unfortunately, facts now matter less then not offending an audience which can easily chose from the many other options that are available. Because we have ability to ignore a differing opinion, we’ve become emboldened in our chosen echo chambers.
The information age was supposed to expose us to MORE ideas and MORE opinions. It’s having the opposite effect. Folks only read what they agree with. That is being reflected in the bias of our news organizations.
It would be nice if a news organization could be unbiased, but people are too touchy these days. Today’s facts will drive away 1/2 the audience, tomorrow’s facts will drive away the other 1/2. For the news company, it’s better to pander to a consistent market share of zealots.
I give a quick glance to FOX, CNN, MPR/NPR, and local news. In order to get all the news, I check them all. They all chose what stories they think their side wants to hear. They omit, or over report stories based on a chosen bias.