Newbee questions

  • icecave22
    Posts: 14

    I am new to using a permanent ice shelter and how to navigate using it. I have yet to be able to take it out due to conditions and time.
    Two questions:
    1. Currently (Jan.16th) what lakes would you recommend me taking my shelter out on?
    2. How do you go about finding access to plowed roads on the ice?
    Thanks in advance for any and all suggestions!

    Posts: 1671

    All the bigger lakes have resorts that plow ice roads. Some of the major ones:

    Mille Lacs
    Upper Red Lake
    Lake of the Woods

    Folllow resorts on FB. They pretty much updated at least weekly with conditions, allowed vehicles/fish house combinations, and they keep people posted of any emergencies that come up. And believe me, they come up regularly.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6724

    Folllow resorts on FB. They pretty much updated at least weekly with conditions, allowed vehicles/fish house combinations, and they keep people posted of any emergencies that come up. And believe me, they come up regularly.


    My vote would be Winnie or Red.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    I wouldn’t go to red this time of year, but that’s me. It’s a think out side of the box deal. Every one is running to the same lakes and flooding them with pressure. There is plenty of smaller lakes that are ready with little to no pressure. Going to red, Winnie, leech, lotw is a easy option, but just know how over flooded with people they are. I do my best to leave these lakes alone and go else where.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3907

    Where do you live and how far are you willing to travel and fish species you are looking to target can also be useful info?

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12920

    heck just spend a night or 2 in it on your driveway if your just wanting to get a feel for it and what you need!!!!!!!!

    if you got kids they’d love it!!!!!!

    Posts: 1671

    I wouldn’t go to red this time of year, but that’s me. It’s a think out side of the box deal. Every one is running to the same lakes and flooding them with pressure. There is plenty of smaller lakes that are ready with little to no pressure. Going to red, Winnie, leech, lotw is an easy option, but just know how over flooded with people they are. I do my best to leave these lakes alone and go else where.

    As much as I respect your fishing prowess, I feel telling a self admitted “newbie” to go bushwhacking on his own is bad advice for someone just starting out with a truck and wheelhouse. Especially this year with current ice and snow conditions. I strongly suggest sticking with a reputable resort road at least for the first year or two. I’m not saying you shouldn’t get away from the crowds and think outside the box. Follow the ice castle owners group on FB. Lots of information to learn there from people who don’t despise wheelhouse owners. Pretty much everything has been covered there in length. Just have to use the search function on their page.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Bearcat89 wrote:</div>
    I wouldn’t go to red this time of year, but that’s me. It’s a think out side of the box deal. Every one is running to the same lakes and flooding them with pressure. There is plenty of smaller lakes that are ready with little to no pressure. Going to red, Winnie, leech, lotw is an easy option, but just know how over flooded with people they are. I do my best to leave these lakes alone and go else where.

    As much as I respect your fishing prowess, I feel telling a self admitted “newbie” to go bushwhacking on his own is bad advice for someone just starting out with a truck and wheelhouse. Especially this year with current ice and snow conditions. I strongly suggest sticking with a reputable resort road at least for the first year or two. I’m not saying you shouldn’t get away from the crowds and think outside the box. Follow the ice castle owners group on FB. Lots of information to learn there from people who don’t despise wheelhouse owners. Pretty much everything has been covered there in length. Just have to use the search function on their page.

    My talking was different lakes that are not as pressured as those big 5. Plenty of reputable resorts on smaller lakes. Just have to start googling and calling. That is what I meant. In no was do I mean for him to go exploring locally on his own. I also in his other thread mentioned Mille lacs was close for him being in east bethel.

    Posts: 4524

    This year and being new owner, you might want to just go camping this summer and wait till next year and hope the snow fall is more normal. But again there is 18-20″ on Red lake, Just saying……

    Posts: 1671

    Don’t mean to call you out BC, and I mean it when I say I respect your fishing prowess. I have literally pm’d you before asking questions. But the guys got himself a new toy. I’m betting he’s chomping at the bit to get that sucker on ice! I make my rounds to those big 5 pretty much exclusively now. But now days I use the wheelhouse as base camp, and use my wheeler and portable to get away from crowds. This year I wish I had a snowmobile. It has been working out VERY well for me so far. Plenty of fish to catch at those big walleye factories!

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    Don’t mean to call you out BC, and I mean it when I say I respect your fishing prowess. I have literally pm’d you before asking questions. But the guys got himself a new toy. I’m betting he’s chomping at the bit to get that sucker on ice! I make my rounds to those big 5 pretty much exclusively now. But now days I use the wheelhouse as base camp, and use my wheeler and portable to get away from crowds. This year I wish I had a snowmobile. It has been working out VERY well for me so far. Plenty of fish to catch at those big walleye factories!

    It’s all good bud, those lakes can be great, but I also know how far that is to travel for a first trip, and in my personal opinion there is much better options not as far that all have good ice right now.

    Joe Dirty
    Big Lake
    Posts: 167

    Big Pine near Perham has good ice. There’s a nice access off from Big Pine Lodge. They don’t charge to use the access either. Fairly good walleye lake

    Posts: 2224

    I cannot think of a worse year to be a newbie especially trying to pull out a shelter and ice fish the metro. I would say only a fraction of the normal crowd is active right now. The rain in the metro will only make things worse.

    Normally I would suggest picking a nearby lake and driving out. Punch some holes about 50-100 yards from others. Get set up and work on your shelter set up, locator set up and rods. Most lakes will kick out small pannies and occasionally northerns.

    One you get the hang of it. You can start doing more on your own. The result could be bigger fish.

    Posts: 2224

    Mills Lacs would be the closest walleye lake. Many resorts are limiting their roads to seasonal pass customers only. Call first. Some Fridays can see long lines and waits for access to plowed roads.

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