New Zack Shacks now available. Call Cole at 7013902618 for more information

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New Zack Shacks now available. Call Cole at 7013902618 for more information
I think they are Cole shacks but for some reason he is marketing them as a Zack shack.
I think the owner of Zach shack will make some money when they file a lawsuit against Cole Shacks…
Hey guys here’s the deal. These are Zack Shacks being built by my Cole Glatt’s company nICE FISH HOUSE. I do own the rights to the name Zack Shack. Your by far welcome to check. I ran the welding portion of the shop about 10 years ago when it went from the original owners to a guy from Minnesota and then to another gentleman. Thats when I ended up leaving for other ventures. The name was changed to something else and they ended up going out of bussiness of few years after I left. I am doing nothing wrong illegal or anything that you are claiming so please be polite. And if that’s a problem then I guess social media has made to easy for big mouths to voice there opion. These are new houses similar to Orginal Zack Shacks in quality. Nothings is being left out in building these shack. Heavey duty metal just like original shacks. We are cleaning all metal sanding and then cleaning again. Using a primer and then painting with a good industrial paint. for rino lining
cleaning the same then using a epoxy before we rino line. The ramp door from the last 8 years these houses were made were designed by me. And I’ve taken this door to a new level with garage door assist aspiring that actually uses the cables to raise and lower the door. Just like youd fing on a enclosed snowmobile trailer that has a ramp door. Also we are using 16 gage deck plate instead if plywood to cover them. This is by far better because the paint actually will hold to the doors unlike houses you see that have been built by previous named builder. Now if I wanted to get in trouble I’d be using that name because that’s still a licensed name. The skis fenders also are amazing. Made out of 304 stainless steel the will never rust and will always look good. I’ll also entertain the idea of building skid shacks or whatever someone can dream up I will build. I’m a fisherman that pays for my own equipment so I understand what having quality equipment means. It’s hard to catch fish with junk so my goal is to make sure I dont sell nothing but a quality product that can be a beneficial tool for a fisherman to get out and enjoy their passion. Please contact Cole Glatt at nICE FISH HOUSE for any questions.7013902618
I’m working on getting a facebook page and web page up and going soon
Good luck in your new venture. The explanation helps everyone.
Yes, good luck. You should have led with that post. Looks like a nice house.
Sorry about not leading with a post like the last. Really didnt know how much attention this would get. For more pictures and info please feel free to contact me at 7013902618. I also have a large add on bisman online just search zack shack. We are currently working on a house that’s going to blow people away. All custom colors diamond plate all around . And the most finished zack shack to date. Should be done be end of next week. Feel free to get ahold of me for prices and pictures. We have a lot of new options to choose from. Base model 12 foot is 8500. That’s lights holes regular fenders and the new ramp door and a scissor hitch. And then we are doing upgrades from there. 14 foot is 9000 base model. Thanks everyone and good luck this winter!!
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