May be in the works. 700 foot minimum distance from the shoreline. I realize that its just for Lake Minnetonka, but if they adopt it, I could see it going to other lakes too. Quite honestly, these boats are public enemy number one for me on the water nowadays. A 700 foot minimum distance from the shore would completely eliminate their use on a lot of smaller lakes.
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » General Discussion Forum » New Wake Surfing Regs
New Wake Surfing Regs
June 10, 2022 at 10:54 am #2129205
I saw that too. Would like to see this enforced on all lakes. No offence to anyone that owns one, just need to keep them away from shore and give the guys trying to fish structure or little boats trying to make it across the lake a break.
Posts: 24606June 10, 2022 at 11:02 am #2129206They have similar regs or at least used for for PWC where they couldnt be operated on lakes under a certain acreage. This would be a good change for these boats. They make enormous wakes and really disrupt fishing along shorelines and plus with the high water cause shoreline eroding.
Posts: 583June 10, 2022 at 11:04 am #2129209Used to live on the Mississippi River where it’s 300 yards wide. It was in an area that was usually calm. Wake surfers would go back and forth all day. You had to tie everything down as 3-4 ft wakes we’re hitting your dock. You could see the water get cloudy from erosion after they’d go by. These regulations are absolutely needed in some places. I live on a lake in the Brainerd area now, wake surfers tend to stay out in the middle of the lake where they don’t cause much damage.
I’m sure the wake boat lobby will show up in St. Paul. You can’t put an end to $250,000 boat sales.
June 10, 2022 at 11:09 am #2129210700′? Who the heck could accurately judge that? I’m picturing a bunch of Karens sitting on their docks with rangefinders and the sheriff on speed dial.
Quite honestly, these boats are public enemy number one for me on the water nowadays.
It’s a badge I’ll wear with pride.
June 10, 2022 at 11:12 am #2129211Meh so easy to get worked up over a wakeboat it’s just not worth it. Glad they are outside getting some Vitamin D as I am. If they get close they should just toss ya a beer. Make that the norm.
June 10, 2022 at 11:20 am #2129215I was at the DNR roundtable meeting yesterday, and this was one area of near consensus among the attendees so I’d anticipate something passing soon.
June 10, 2022 at 11:20 am #2129218If they get close they should just toss ya a beer. Make that the norm.
I like it.
June 10, 2022 at 11:23 am #2129219How many lakeshore owners who are so up in arms about shoreline erosion have manicured lawns right up to the water’s edge?
June 10, 2022 at 11:24 am #2129221Some of the wake boats aren’t bad at all. They do it out in the middle of the lake and are decent. But most all I see are d bags and should be regulated. I watched 2 in the same day on Chisago almost capsize a old man in a small 12 ft boat out all my him self. It’s sad really. But it’s what happens a few bad apples spoil the tree.
June 10, 2022 at 11:27 am #2129222I hope they get pushed out to 5 or 700 ft and I hope it’s enforced. But it will never be. I also hope they can operate on lakes of a certain size, lakes that can handle it.
You guys can have Minnetonka.
And I have wake boarded my entire life. And I enjoy wake surfing. But if you can’t see the problem with most the dip shits operating the boats then maybe that’s the problemJune 10, 2022 at 11:31 am #2129225It’s not the boats that are at fault. It is the irresponsible operator running the boat. They have no place on a lake of less than 500 acres or on a long narrow bay or lake. JMO
June 10, 2022 at 11:38 am #2129227The DNR choosing to throw man hours enforcing that would be the most MN DNR thing ever. They could enforce chemicals being dumped into the lake, or littering, over-limits on panfish, or littering, yet they are up in arms about wake boats. I just don’t get it. That 21’ bass boat with the 300 ProXS cruising up to fish a dock is doing the same thing. Pick a better avenue of enforcement
June 10, 2022 at 11:39 am #2129228a few bad apples spoil the tree.
I have to admit that it is a lot of fun wake surfing. Just like anything else it only takes one person to wreck it for the rest of them. Had a guy buzz my boat and knock my son in the water when we were fishing. Later that week we went on my buddies wake boat. When he saw the boat he said “I didn’t know he was a jerk.” I am all for the 700’.
June 10, 2022 at 11:40 am #2129229That 21’ bass boat with the 300 ProXS cruising up to fish a dock is doing the same thing. Pick a better avenue of enforcement
But with a 1/3 of the wake.
Posts: 5307June 10, 2022 at 11:48 am #2129231Some of you never went fishing in a small boat with your grandparents and it really shows.
My childhood would have been alot different in regards to time on the water if we had to worry about these kind of wakes back then. We stuck to the back bays and smaller lakes just to find calmer water bc of our small boat, wouldn’t have changed a single thing about it and would give alot of money to get one hour of it back.
Shameful some are joking about being bullies on the water. Yup, some are, some aren’t, you do realize that’s the reason for possibly 90% of our regulations, bc of the some that are.
Keep em off small lakes, regulate how far off shore on big ones. We regulate alot of things off water, sound, speed, size, etc, no reason we can’t on the water.
June 10, 2022 at 11:49 am #2129232<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>ganderpike wrote:</div>
If they get close they should just toss ya a beer. Make that the norm.I like it.
This may be a possible resolution.
June 10, 2022 at 12:03 pm #2129239Having fished out of a 14’ boat for many years in the NE metro, Pelican, Lida, Big C in the Pelican Rapids area, and the chain in Alex I have never seen one dump a person or even come close to tipping a boat. You all fish alot Im sure and I won’t say you’re making it up, but I sense a little dramatization.
Not sure you can regulate common sense. Good luck if ya try though.
June 10, 2022 at 12:10 pm #2129241Here is the Wake Surfing ordinance that was passed by our Lake District this spring (outside Cumberland WI). I have no idea on how it will be enforced or what the penelties are. Not sure I understand everything it says either. I know we more than 10 of these boats that stay on the lake (318 acres). Most of them behave but it only takes one to start ruffling feathers.
NO. 2021-01
Pursuant to Wis. Stat. §30.77(3)(am)1.a. an ordinance to regulate boating upon the waters of Sand Lake, Barron County, and prescribing penalties for violation thereof:
The Sand Lake Management District does ordain as follows:
Section 1 — Applicability and Enforcement: The provisions of this ordinance shall apply to Sand Lake within Town of Maple Plain, Barron County. This ordinance shall be enforced by the Sand Lake Management District.
Section 2 — Intent: Sand Lake is 318 acres and approximately three miles long, 1,800 feet wide at its widest, and 80 feet at its narrowest. The intent of this ordinance is to protect public health, safety, and welfare, including the public’s interest in preserving Sand Lake. The ordinance is intended to provide safe and healthful conditions for the enjoyment of aquatic recreation consistent with public rights and interests and minimize shoreline erosion.
Section 3 — State Boating and Safety Laws Adopted: State boating laws as found in Wis. Stat. § 30.50 to 30.71, are adopted by reference here.
Section 4 — Penalties: Wisconsin state boating penalties as found in s. Wis. Stat. § 30.80, deposits established in the Uniform Deposit and Bail Schedule established by the Wisconsin Judicial Conferences are hereby adopted by reference and all references to fines amended to forfeitures and all references to imprisonment are deleted.
Section 5 — Severability: The provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed severable and it is expressly declared that the Sand Lake Management District, Barron County would have passed the other provisions of this ordinance irrespective of whether or not one or more provisions may be declared invalid. If any provision of this ordinance or the application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the ordinance of the application of such provisions to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected.
Section 6 — Motorboat Wake Prohibition:
1. Subject to paragraph (2) below, no person shall operate a motor boat as defined in Wis. Stat. § 30.50(6) on the waters within Sand Lake, Maple Plain Township, Barron County, Wisconsin in a manner to enhance an elevated wake for over 50 feet in length. An elevated wake is a trail of disturbed water left by the passage of a watercraft in excess of 18 inches. Such prohibited operation shall apply to wake enhancement equipment on motor boats such as ballasts, mechanical hydrofoils(s), uneven loading or operation at transition speed. Transition speed means the speed at which the motor boat is operating at greater than slow-no-wake speed, but not fast enough so the boat is planing.
2. This section does not prohibit or interfere with the operation of a motor boat in a manner to enhance an elevated wake between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Such operation shall be as close to the middle of the lake as practicable.
Section 7 — Posting Requirements: The Sand Lake Management District shall place and maintain a synopsis of this ordinance at all public access points within the jurisdiction of the of the Sand Lake Management District pursuant to the requirements of NR 5.15, Wis. Adm. Code.
Section 8 — Effective Date: This ordinance will become effective upon its passage.
Passed this ___12th__ day of ____March__, 2022
Signed by:June 10, 2022 at 12:18 pm #2129245That 21’ bass boat with the 300 ProXS cruising up to fish a dock is doing the same thing.
If you can’t see the difference in size of wakes between a bass boat and a wake boat, we can’t help you here.
Most of the wake boats that I see cruise past within casting distance. I have to turn the boat so my bow faces those tsunamis so I don’t take it right over the side, and brace myself too. Those are the ones that I notice. I don’t notice the ones making waves out in the middle of a bigger lake because, well, the waves and loud music don’t affect me. If a study at the U of MN says 500 feet is needed, then let’s do it AND enforce it.
I don’t have any issue with people recreating on a public lake. Do it so you’re respectful of others also trying to use the lake.
Tom schmitt
Posts: 1044June 10, 2022 at 12:50 pm #2129251The DNR choosing to throw man hours enforcing that would be the most MN DNR thing ever. They could enforce chemicals being dumped into the lake, or littering, over-limits on panfish, or littering, yet they are up in arms about wake boats. I just don’t get it. That 21’ bass boat with the 300 ProXS cruising up to fish a dock is doing the same thing. Pick a better avenue of enforcement
You’re right about not enforcing everything, but completely wrong about the bass boat.
Wake boats send a wave straight down as well as to the sides.
They need to be operated in deeper water as well.June 10, 2022 at 12:55 pm #2129253Having fished out of a 14’ boat for many years in the NE metro, Pelican, Lida, Big C in the Pelican Rapids area, and the chain in Alex I have never seen one dump a person or even come close to tipping a boat. You all fish alot Im sure and I won’t say you’re making it up, but I sense a little dramatization.
Not sure you can regulate common sense. Good luck if ya try though.
How about a 20 ft Pontoon getting a wave not just over the bow, but over the front gate at least 6 times over the past couple years? If your not paying attention, they could easily knock someone off balance. I don’t really have a problem with these boats either. Except for the occasional asshat that shows up driving one. I’ve already put rip-rap on my shoreline and that seems to have most of the erosion under control.
June 10, 2022 at 12:58 pm #2129254I’ve actually thought they have been better this year. At least on the lakes I fish. They haven’t seemed to be coming as close as previous years and are staying in the middle of the lakes for the most part. The wakes still reach you but at least you have some time to notice them coming at you. I do believe they need to have some regulations though.
That 21’ bass boat with the 300 ProXS cruising up to fish a dock is doing the same thing. Pick a better avenue of enforcement
And that’s the most Minnesotan thing to complain about. Bass boats make the smallest wake on the lake. You think a walleye boat with a deep V is less than a bass boat? The other day I almost got tossed out of my boat by a Skeeter Deep V with some idiot cruising around graphing things with his motor trimmed up making a wake as bad as the wake boats. Find something else to hate on the bass community for.
June 10, 2022 at 1:21 pm #2129266This may be a possible resolution.
I’ll start packing some spares. If you see a white/red Nautique, wave us down and we’ll toss you one.
June 10, 2022 at 1:25 pm #2129268I’ve actually thought they have been better this year. At least on the lakes I fish. They haven’t seemed to be coming as close as previous years and are staying in the middle of the lakes for the most part. The wakes still reach you but at least you have some time to notice them coming at you. I do believe they need to have some regulations though.
<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Tom schmitt wrote:</div>
That 21’ bass boat with the 300 ProXS cruising up to fish a dock is doing the same thing. Pick a better avenue of enforcementAnd that’s the most Minnesotan thing to complain about. Bass boats make the smallest wake on the lake. You think a walleye boat with a deep V is less than a bass boat? The other day I almost got tossed out of my boat by a Skeeter Deep V with some idiot cruising around graphing things with his motor trimmed up making a wake as bad as the wake boats. Find something else to hate on the bass community for.
Insert “boat with big motor” instead. A wake is a wake. Have nothing against “the bass community”.
UMN says 500’ is needed so lets enforce it? I thought we aren’t into following the science around here?
All tongue in cheek. Sorry to anyone who has traumatic experiences with them. Hope a common sense solution is developed.
June 10, 2022 at 1:28 pm #2129269I do fully understand the concerns. I consider myself a considerate driver and assure you that we’d prefer not to be near anyone else. At 40+, I have no need to show off to anyone or be a d-bag–we’re just out there having fun and spending time with family and friends. Also, wake surfing does not work well in water less than 12′, so unless it’s super windy, anyone who knows anything will be surfing out in deeper water.
I’m glad that many of you realize that there are just some bad apples out there whose actions reflect poorly on responsible boaters.
Also realize that we’re going 10-12 mph in a straight line. It’s pretty easy to predict where we’re heading.
June 10, 2022 at 1:33 pm #2129270Personally I don’t support any new regulations on wake boats. They already don’t enforce the ones on the books now, and I don’t think they will have any impact on the desired effects they intend to address. My parents live on the busiest part of Belle Taine and have wake boats, sometimes numerous ones, going all afternoon into early evening most weekends. And tbh the wake is pretty much the same whether they are on our side of the lake or a few hundred feet on the other side, and the shore gets churned up the same. FWIW I’ve never been on a wake boat, but would like to try wakesurfing sometime, and will take some of Ralph’s beer anytime.
Bob D
Posts: 24June 10, 2022 at 2:50 pm #2129278As much as I don’t like the wakes the stereos blasting out of the back of their boats like we all want to listen to their music is more annoying!!
Posts: 699June 10, 2022 at 3:12 pm #2129281As much as I don’t like the wakes the stereos blasting out of the back of their boats like we all want to listen to their music is more annoying!!
100% agree, unless it’s a song I like, but it never is.
FWIW no one has to wait until the legislature does something about wake boats. Local governments have the ability to make surface use ordinances.
InactivePosts: 0June 10, 2022 at 3:23 pm #2129284The lake I live on has a few regular wake boats, I’ve never had a problem, but I have a 3′ rip rap boulder wall on my shore from previous owner. I have heard about Some docks with inserts that have been blown out, which would be very annoying. In any group of people, you will have some bad ones. Even fisherman, believe it or not!! Last week one day people were casting by my dock/lift which is 100% good with me, If I’m out there I’ll usually shoot the breeze. This time, I was in the house when I saw someone got tangled in the dock, gets out of the boat, walks on the dock, checks my boat out, gets his lure untangled and continues fishing. I thought about voicing my opinion, but though if someone is that bold, ain’t nothing I say gonna make a difference anyways.
I just try to be nice and live by the golden rule..
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