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New Wake Boat rules
Posts: 1271July 21, 2020 at 10:36 am #1958883How come the guys that drive the tuna boats on the river don’t know how to get their boat on plane. I don’t know how many guys I see with the bow pointing to the sky and ass end dragging. At least the wake boat guys mean to throw the wake.
My feeling is those “tuna Boats” are on larger bodies of waters that they were designed for. The wake boats are on the other hand are on running on bodies of water that are too small, their waves never get a chance to disperse before hitting shorelines, smaller the lake, the more boat traffic in a confined area, the more chance of someone getting tipped or thrown from their boat.
July 21, 2020 at 10:38 am #1958884If the new regs they are said to be proposing actually pass, AND they are enforced, a lot of small lakes will be completely off limits. 600 feet is pretty substantial distance.
Posts: 6631July 21, 2020 at 10:45 am #1958886This is “plane”.
There appears to be something wrong with your boat…….
(I don’t see any fishing rods
July 21, 2020 at 10:49 am #1958887To start, I don’t really have a dog in the fight here, but definitely can see both sides of this argument. My wife’s family are hardcore slalom skiers, and it wasn’t until them that I really had any appreciation for ANY of the recreational boaters (skiers, wakeboarders, surfers, jet skis, etc) due to growing up in a hardcore fishing family. Her cousin owns one of these boats, and I have to say it is a blast (and he does his best to stay in the middle of their lake, away from people when possible).
That being said, I have to imagine that if these rules were to pass, that the complaints about wakesurfers will move from “They’re too close to shore and ruining my beach!” to “There are huge waves in the middle of the lake and I don’t feel comfortable driving my boat across the middle now! Ban them completely!” If people want to relegate the wakesurfers to XXX distance from shore, that is fine with me, but don’t complain when the traffic is now more concentrated in the middle of these lakes.
July 21, 2020 at 11:04 am #1958889My lake forbids jet skis which is glorious. However there are no speed restrictions and boats pass close to my dock so the shoreline gets waked pretty bad.
July 21, 2020 at 11:52 am #1958898If being responsible for your wake is true/enforced – I would imagine that bans would happen once people start recording the damage that the wakes are doing to their shorelines or docks (easy enough with a wifi camera), or when a boat is capsized/people are injured by a wake.
I first learned about these boats on a small metro lake (Turtle) with a bunch of high school looking kids blasting around a crowded lake no more than 25′ or so from other boats – if I would have stopped paying attention and not steered into the waves it would have swamped or capsized my 14′ boat. I would have not been happy about that happening with my little kids. Needless to say we had to move far, far from the boat.
It looked fun as hell though. If anyone wants to give me a Pavati win me over I’m in.
July 21, 2020 at 11:56 am #1958900If being responsible for your wake is true/enforced – I would imagine that bans would happen once people start recording the damage that the wakes are doing to their shorelines or docks (easy enough with a wifi camera), or when a boat is capsized/people are injured by a wake.
I first learned about these boats on a small metro lake (Turtle) with a bunch of high school looking kids blasting around a crowded lake no more than 25′ or so from other boats – if I would have stopped paying attention and not steered into the waves it would have swamped or capsized my 14′ boat. I would have not been happy about that happening with my little kids. Needless to say we had to move far, far from the boat.
It looked fun as hell though. If anyone wants to give me a Pavati win me over I’m in.
Soooooo, because you were paying attention… nothing happened.
I see too many boats who are over capacity. Their risk is their own.
Wish they’d start enforcing that!!I watched a 18mo get frantic when her head got wet in the pool Saturday… eventually she learned she wasn’t dying and had fun with it… just say’n.
July 21, 2020 at 12:16 pm #1958903For the record I’m in full favor of the original draft of the bill from this last session. It had a number of items in it, mostly safety, and was set at 200 feet from shoreline. This is what should be common sense.
Want to see what the wakesurfing community is saying about the same legislation? It might surprise you to see so many MN people posting similar thoughts to all of you on the Malibu forum. I show up on page 3 as MN Newb.
July 21, 2020 at 12:29 pm #1958906In comparison to the amount of time im on the water…I don’t see them enough to complain. Pretty easy to avoid crowds unless you want to be crowded.
I’ve read through this entire thread and have now realized how much of a bubble I must live in. Up here at Mille Lacs I can’t say I’ve ever seen one. Maybe they’re out there somewhere, but I haven’t seen any.
I certainly see an issue where on certain lakes the shoreline erosion/damage would be a significant problem. If people are creating waves that are beyond what normal occurrences/storms blow onto shorelines, then it is man-made damage.
Ironically, here at Mille Lacs (where I never see them) you’d have an ideal lake for them. Thousands of acres of open water plus there isn’t a shoreline anywhere around the lake that hasn’t already seen 4-5′ waves since like forever ago. Plus, all docks and boat lifts are or should be set high enough for those big waves.
BTW, this is not an invitation from me for all of them to suddenly appear.
Get off my lawn…
July 21, 2020 at 12:49 pm #1958913You may have misinterpreted my quote,
If you have 365 days to use the resource, how many days do the wake surf boats use them?
It is very few.
So, take those few days. Break them into 24 hour periods…
How many hours a day of those few days, are surf boats operating?
Generally googan traffic is between the hours of 10 am and 7pm.Sun is up at 5am. You’ve got 5 hours in the am, and another 2 in the pm of daylight. Oh, it really isn’t busy until noon… Those are just the hours allowed to waterski (Cannot before/after sunrise,sunset).
Then there is monday, tuesday, wednesday, and thursday. The hours between 10 am and 7pm aren’t high activity in comparison to Friday, saturday, sunday.
So, if we look at a typical summer of 3 months. Each month having 4 weeks. 3 of those days in each week are busy. That’s 4x3x3=36 busy days per year. Ooops, i forgot about weather! Subtract a few days.
Again, on those busy days, there are idle periods. Morning and late evening…Or for crime sakes…Night time.
I don’t think it is too much to share that time with others who also want to enjoy their time on the water.
I laugh at those who do gripe a lot, they show up at 10 am and expect peace and quiet
Folks obviously don’t hate wakes enough to get up early enough to avoid them, or go late enough to avoid them, or on a weekday….
This is what i mean by….it is pretty easy to avoid crowds unless you want to be crowded.
July 21, 2020 at 1:01 pm #1958916You do have a good point FBRM. A friend of mine thought Jet Skis were the greatest and started thinking about buying on. I asked “how many weekends are warm enough to be in the water (normally)”.
He’s back to looking at boats.
B-Man the folbe rod holders are in the back for cat fishing (and trolling).
July 21, 2020 at 1:04 pm #1958918This is what i mean by….it is pretty easy to avoid crowds unless you want to be crowded.
I agree, if you are out on a busy lake during the middle of the day when its a warm, sunny afternoon, you should expect to run into recreational riff raff which may include wake surfers. That’s why I avoid this time period. I go early in the morning, late in the evening, or on rainy/cloudy days.
However, I’ve been out there during non-peak hours and they still rumble past way too close, creating monster waves and blaring loud music as they go. Then, they go way too close to the shoreline and a tsunami barrels into it. Some shoreline owners have attempted to mitigate this erosion issue by placed rocks/rubble along their shoreline. The problem didn’t exist until these things showed up with regularity.
July 21, 2020 at 1:54 pm #1958925You may have misinterpreted my quote,
I don’t think it is too much to share that time with others who also want to enjoy their time on the water.
This is what i mean by….it is pretty easy to avoid crowds unless you want to be crowded.
No, I didn’t really misinterpret…I knew what you were getting at.
It was this part of your quote “I don’t see them enough to complain” that I picked up on to tell my little story, which I’m sticking to BTW.
Living at the lake now, weekends I let the weekenders have their playtime. I can go out Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and have the whole lake to myself.
July 21, 2020 at 2:11 pm #1958926<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Nice Fella wrote:</div>
After we get this ban on loud, obnoxious boat music done, can we start a similar petition to ban it on motorcycles as well? Nobody needs to hear you coming from two blocks away blaring “Bad to the Bone” one more time.
I dont think you can hear my music over my new pipes
And we’re all SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO proud of you and your ability to make noise
It’s just really sad that so many people feel it’s their right to intentionally be so inconsiderate of others for their own enjoyment be it boaters with their wakes, bikers with their noise (it really frosts me to see riders put in ear plugs before they start their noise machines), the car stereo you can hear blocks before you see the vehicle let alone next to you at a light, the diesel pickups that sound like Farmall tractors without the muffler installed, screaming crotch rockets and ricer cars.
Unfortunately even with regulations, new or existing, nothing is going to change without enforcement and/or a totally different attitude of the offenders. [speaker steps down from his soap box in disgust]
July 21, 2020 at 2:14 pm #1958928<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Bearcat89 wrote:</div>
<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Nice Fella wrote:</div>
After we get this ban on loud, obnoxious boat music done, can we start a similar petition to ban it on motorcycles as well? Nobody needs to hear you coming from two blocks away blaring “Bad to the Bone” one more time.
I dont think you can hear my music over my new pipes
And we’re all SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO proud of you and your ability to make noise
It’s just really sad that so many people feel it’s their right to intentionally be so inconsiderate of others for their own enjoyment be it boaters with their wakes, bikers with their noise (it really frosts me to see riders put in ear plugs before they start their noise machines), the car stereo you can hear blocks before you see the vehicle let alone next to you at a light, the diesel pickups that sound like Farmall tractors without the muffler installed, screaming crotch rockets and ricer cars.
Unfortunately even with regulations, new or existing, nothing is going to change without enforcement and/or a totally different attitude of the offenders. [speaker steps down from his soap box in disgust]
When the world is exactly the way you want it to be all will be well
Posts: 1271July 21, 2020 at 2:50 pm #1958944I’m all for sharing the lakes with wake boats, 10:00 AM-10:15 am works for me.
July 21, 2020 at 3:37 pm #1958949Want to see what the wakesurfing community is saying about the same legislation? It might surprise you to see so many MN people posting similar thoughts to all of you on the Malibu forum. I show up on page 3 as MN Newb.
Thank you for sharing the link. It is just like anything else, it only takes a couple of people to wreck it for the whole group.
If you ever do get an opportunity to try it you should. It is a blast.JoJo
InactiveEden PrairiePosts: 61July 21, 2020 at 3:38 pm #1958951We had a bad experience again 2 weekends ago. While fishing a shore line using only our trolling motor, a wake boat did the slow ride by. My husband said hang on, I need to turn into into this. Well, we took the 2nd wave over the bow. No way to try and pace the wakes on a trolling motor. Over the bow and filled the cockpit with water.
15 Minutes later, awh crap, here he comes again. This time closer. We couldn’t even get turned all the way around to have the bow take the wake before another wave swamps us for the 2nd time.
That was about all we could take, pulled up the trolling motor and used the big more to go over to them to have a chat. They had 1 on the wake ski, and 4 jet skis jumping the wakes. Shore line looked like the gulf coast waves crashing in.
We told them about swamping us twice, and they could see that our boat was full of water. They said we’re 300 feet away, not our problem, to which we replied, you are responsible for your wake no matter what. Needless so say, 100 feet appeared to be 300 to them. Sorry, you can’t fix stupid. They did say they saw the wake they made that went over our bow. Huh? ok. We were done. We left the lake. Sad you can’t fish past noon any longer.One more lake crossed off our list to fish.
JoBrad Dimond
Posts: 1592July 21, 2020 at 3:59 pm #1958956We had a bad experience again 2 weekends ago. While fishing a shore line using only our trolling motor, a wake boat did the slow ride by. My husband said hang on, I need to turn into into this. Well, we took the 2nd wave over the bow. No way to try and pace the wakes on a trolling motor. Over the bow and filled the cockpit with water.
15 Minutes later, awh crap, here he comes again. This time closer. We couldn’t even get turned all the way around to have the bow take the wake before another wave swamps us for the 2nd time.
That was about all we could take, pulled up the trolling motor and used the big more to go over to them to have a chat. They had 1 on the wake ski, and 4 jet skis jumping the wakes. Shore line looked like the gulf coast waves crashing in.
We told them about swamping us twice, and they could see that our boat was full of water. They said we’re 300 feet away, not our problem, to which we replied, you are responsible for your wake no matter what. Needless so say, 100 feet appeared to be 300 to them. Sorry, you can’t fix stupid. They did say they saw the wake they made that went over our bow. Huh? ok. We were done. We left the lake. Sad you can’t fish past noon any longer.One more lake crossed off our list to fish.
JoTIe a 2 1/2 Red Eye on a baitcaster, send it out their way. Guarantee they will keep their distance.
Posts: 12741July 21, 2020 at 4:57 pm #1958975When the world is exactly the way you want it to be all will be well
The farther north you go maybe? Sitting on my deck now the world looks exactly the way I want it to be.
Look…not one obnoxious wake boat out there, in fact no boats out there at all.
Posts: 6631July 21, 2020 at 5:26 pm #1958982<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>crappie55369 wrote:</div>
When the world is exactly the way you want it to be all will be wellThe farther north you go maybe? Sitting on my deck now the world looks exactly the way I want it to be.
Look…not one obnoxious wake boat out there, in fact no boats out there at all.
Then I’m on my way Andy!!
(Pics are of my mini tuna boat on LOTW Saturday in 1-3′ seas)
michael keehr
Posts: 363July 21, 2020 at 5:45 pm #1958990I cannot recommend the red eye comment I did this once about 20 years ago with a 2.5 oz bell sinker hit the guy right in the chest. Its was there fourth trip by as they had already cut my line of twice. I tied a sinker up an a big rod with some heavy line and as they got close lined him up and took him right of his ski. They left a little while later mr sheriff shows up. I got a good talking to didn’t get a ticket but realized I could have killed him. The sheriff went and talked to them as they lived on the lake and then came back and talked to me he said that the way I dealt with him was why I didn’t get a ticket they ended up getting tickets. I ran into that sherriff quite a few times over the years nice guy that retired in 2016.
July 21, 2020 at 6:45 pm #1959002Hey clysdale
The EAR plugs in the bikers ears are for wind blockage bud not noise reduction. So be as salty and mad as you want and let me know how that works for you.
If my bike is legally under the decibel limit then who is to blame. The pipes or johnny law. I hate listening to my neighbors little mutts barking when I walk by. But I wont be going on social media to whine about it.July 21, 2020 at 7:22 pm #1959015Last time I had a actual issue with a wake surfer group I boated over and talked to them about how fun it looked but if they could stay away from a boat that was stationary because there wakes were making it unsafe for us. They then explained they were out on the biggest open part of the water they could be, and how they wouldn’t do that in smaller bays and tighter areas. It just to a civil conversation for us to both be on the same page. I get thats not how every conversation will go but it does work.
Same with not that long ago I was working on a wheeler in the garage on a beautiful Saturday afternoon and I had the tunes up. My neighbor walked over and asked if I’d tune it down a little he could hear zepplin clear as day in his garage. I did exactly what he asked because he was polite and I wasn’t intending on being rude. Most times this works well. As for these comments on how people want to slap some one or do harm or some dumb ass stuff like that, good luck i know I wouldn’t back down if someone came at me in that approachJuly 21, 2020 at 8:02 pm #1959028Whether it’s wake boats harming the shoreline and disrupting others or loud bikes and sleds disrupting others it all points back to the selfish ahos operating them.
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