New Wake Boat rules

  • 3Rivers
    Posts: 1122

    Like Brian said, each boater is responsible for their own wake. Once “victims” start going after the boaters responsible for damage sustained is when things will change.

    I suspect the way this will be eventually enforced will be to have restrictions on boats. Either by horsepower or length or maybe some sort of ballast clause.

    Posts: 1273

    I just looked at some of the newer used wake boat online, $130k, wonder how much fuel they go through in a day of fun.

    Ice Cap
    Posts: 2247

    I just looked at some of the newer used wake boat online, $130k, wonder how much fuel they go through in a day of fun.

    A lot!! But when you’re dropping 100k plus on a boat fuel consumption is generally not a concern other than remembering to fill it up!

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18776

    Ya I looked at some of these at the Boat Show in January. You thought that some fishing boats were expensive? Compared to these things, they’re relatively cheap. Plus all the input costs associated like fuel consumption and storage fees. I’m guessing most people don’t have an enormous storage shed/garage that is capable of storing them so they pay someone else to hold them too.

    Nice Fella
    Posts: 461

    After we get this ban on loud, obnoxious boat music done, can we start a similar petition to ban it on motorcycles as well? Nobody needs to hear you coming from two blocks away blaring “Bad to the Bone” one more time.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22102

    After we get this ban on loud, obnoxious boat music done, can we start a similar petition to ban it on motorcycles as well? Nobody needs to hear you coming from two blocks away blaring “Bad to the Bone” one more time.

    I dont think you can hear my music over my new pipes

    Dusty Gesinger
    Minnetrista, Minnesota
    Posts: 2421

    After we get this ban on loud, obnoxious boat music done, can we start a similar petition to ban it on motorcycles as well? Nobody needs to hear you coming from two blocks away blaring “Bad to the Bone” one more time.

    Agreed! And enforce noise laws for the exhaust. I can get pulled over and get a ticket for loud exhaust and seat belt ticket in my truck, but the d bag wearing glasses and blaring music and reving his bike is a ok. Just stupid. And stay off my lawn.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    The other thing that wake boats don’t have going for them is AIS.

    Filling those ballasts from one lake/river and then going to another might be the death of them.

    PS I’ve been on tow boats, tuna boats and of course in fishing boats. The larger the boat the more nuisance boats there are. You can bet the tow captains are hah bitching at all of us in their way.

    Nisswa, MN
    Posts: 1997

    Too long at the landing, really? I get that many here don’t like wakeboats but time at a landing has nothing to do with style of boat.

    The stereo thing seems to be an arms race among boats. Biggest music offenders by my place this summer have been a pontoon and a go fast boat. volume + profanity. I’m not saying wakeboaters don’t contribute, it’s about the d bag operating the stereo.

    The size of the wakes regarding safety is legitimate. Like all things 90% are very responsible but the exceptions are what is going to end in legislation, lawsuits, etc. I’m in full agreement that these waves are getting so large and bigger as time goes on that it will lead to changes.

    Worst safety issue I’ve had this season was with a giant pontoon pulling tubes. Swerving back and forth and at one point going right at my wife who had fallen on the surf board. Again, it’s about the d bag at the helm.

    For those who asked about size, ballast, gas. Bigger the wave, easier to surf, more possible tricks, just all around better. I have a 2013 Malibu that is 3700# dry + 2200 ballast for 5900 total. Neighbor bought a new 2020 that is 5900 dry + ~3000 ballast. 2-3 years is a new generation and adds more weight and ballast to be “better” than the prior model. Used to be 23′ was the longest now 25′ is an option.

    Fuel consumption can be god awful to not as bad as you would think. If we have 4 people and everyone takes a good turn I use around 20-25 gallons. Neighbor uses more since his boat is pushing more weight. Bigger boats than mine and more experienced younger(read in better shape) riders can knock out 60 gallons or more in a day.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Thanks for your point of view Pat. I think I or someone said it above, “don’t blame the gun”.

    I have a great stereo in my camper. I seldom use it because I know how loud it is. Personally I wouldn’t have spent the $5k on a stereo, but that’s the way it came.

    Who do the wake boat complain about? Jet skiers? )

    Posts: 4362

    To be fair almost all of today’s country music is just as terrible as the rap music

    Im 46 I will take rap over country any day.

    Posts: 19572

    The only issue with a Wakeboat stereo is that the huge can speakers on the tower are intentionally pointed out the back of the boat so the rider can hear it loud and clear…problem is everyone can then hear it…

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    Who do the wake boat complain about? Jet skiers?

    Yes! Like flies to honey, they love to follow wake surfers.

    Also, like Pat mentioned, tubers.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    The only issue with a Wakeboat stereo is that the huge can speakers on the tower are intentionally pointed out the back of the boat so the rider can hear it loud and clear…problem is everyone can then hear it…

    You need to be able to hear it over the throbbing V8!

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4000

    I agree I don’t like the language in some of the songs or most of the music that is being played. But when I was growing up the older people didn’t like the crap I played either. I can get over the noise pollution that some boaters have (I do still find it annoying). They are out there trying to have a good time just like you. They are just doing it in a different way. The problem I do have is the wake. I know a couple of people with wake boats and they have been as respectful as they could. But you could still see the shorelines getting hit hard. I don’t know what could be done about that and the wakes are only going to get bigger.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    With regard to loud music, my beef is a long ways from water with the sub-woofer jackasses. Nothing pi$$es me off more than sitting at a stop light only to have some slug pull up behind me with those suckers cranked while he’s slumped over to one side in the drivers seat sucking cigarette. I should be able to punch the idiot. Or throw a grenade simulator in his front seat.

    Maplewood & Crane Lake, MN
    Posts: 235

    I was bass fishing on Big Marine last Sunday when a wake boat cruised by behind me. I saw the wake coming so I stepped down off the deck or I might have been thrown overboard. As it was I took enough water over the transom to set off my auto-bilge. And that was in a 20′ deep V boat. If I was in a 14′ boat I would have been swimming.

    Menomonie, WI
    Posts: 2317

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>gimruis wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Bearcat89 wrote:</div>
    Half the bass boats on our local lakes are just as rude and inconsiderate at the wake surfers

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen a <strong class=”ido-tag-strong”>bass boat plow by creating a 4 foot wake blaring rap music. If that’s the case, then <em class=”ido-tag-em”>bass boats need to be considered in this argument too.

    The article mentions potential rules not about banning or prohibiting them, it talks about a bigger buffer distance, up to 600 from the shoreline. In some smaller lakes, that will almost completely eliminate them.

    I wasn’t talking about the wakes. I was talking about the operator being a d bag with no consideration for others. Just like some of the wake boats.

    We were our on multiple lakes over the week of the fourth and I will agree there are a lot of people out there that have no clue what they are doing and don’t follow the rules of the water because they either don’t know them or don’t care.

    My son and I took boaters safety the week before we headed up and it was very specific how you should interact with other boats on the water. I did not have to take the class but wanted a refresher and wanted to know the specifics of what he was being taught. In the end the general rule is we have to go slow enough to be able to avoid a collision with another boat whether they are following the rules or not. He learned that pretty quick when 1 out of 10 boats yielded in the correct manner. He looked at me and said Dad, I’m supposed to go to the right, what are they doing? It was a good learning lesson. Some don’t know the rules and some do and just don’t care.

    We do wake board behind the Skeeter, but it will most likely be classic country coming out of the factory 5″ speakers coffee

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22102

    With regard to loud music, my beef is a long ways from water with the sub-woofer jackasses. Nothing pi$$es me off more than sitting at a stop light only to have some slug pull up behind me with those suckers cranked while he’s slumped over to one side in the drivers seat sucking cigarette. I should be able to punch the idiot. Or throw a grenade simulator in his front seat.

    With out those subs how would we feel that double kick drum on our heavy metal songs. And is it OK if I’m sitting upright with out a smoke in my mouth ?

    Posts: 6687

    In comparison to the amount of time im on the water…I don’t see them enough to complain. Pretty easy to avoid crowds unless you want to be crowded.

    Boat wakes just don’t bother me.
    80# power pro…. that I cannot stand smash

    Them wake surfers fall down then they hit another wake… so just return the favor ) )

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5170

    With out those subs how would we feel that double kick drum on our heavy metal songs. And is it OK if I’m sitting upright with out a smoke in my mouth ?

    I’d probably ask you out on a date…..

    Bob P
    Shoreview MN
    Posts: 108

    Feathers – That video made my day.

    Bob P

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    As much as I hate their wakes (actually dangerous when in a bass boat as there are no side walls) and their music, I’d be lying if I said it didn’t look fun. Just wish they were a little more conscious of what they were doing and other boaters around them.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22102

    With out those subs how would we feel that double kick drum on our heavy metal songs. And is it OK if I’m sitting upright with out a smoke in my mouth ?

    I’d probably ask you out on a date…..

    Lets go lol. We could split a cheese burger and a strawberry shake

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    You guys ever fished the Croix?

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    I was out there for muskie opener and some kids in daddys 100k wakeboat decided to drive a 5ft circle around my boat throwing at least a 3ft wake.

    No wake boat has that tight of a turning radius. tongue


    Keep in mind those kids might have made their own money on YouTube or tik tok lol

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5170

    How come the guys that drive the tuna boats on the river don’t know how to get their boat on plane. I don’t know how many guys I see with the bow pointing to the sky and ass end dragging. At least the wake boat guys mean to throw the wake.

    Billy J
    Posts: 122

    flame to many were i live..

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I don’t know how many guys I see with the bow pointing to the sky and ass end dragging.

    Depends on what type of tuna boat your talking about.
    Some like my Carver go faster with better rpm (and tossing at least a 3 foot wake) with the nose in the air. It’s hard to get 11 tons on what I would call “plane”.

    BTW I do try to slow to no wake when approaching fishing boats. I know what it’s like!

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