Just returned from Red yesterday. We had two adults and 3 kids between 5-7yrs old. We got on the ice Saturday around 12 noon and left yesterday at 10:00am. Had lines down by 1:00. First fish at 1:10pm. We fished away from the crowds in 15-16 ft of water. Lots of mixed reports when talking to other groups on shore.
We caught approximately 25-30 walleyes outside of the protected slot and 5-8 overs. Biggest was 19″ and missed another 10-15 fish. Kids had a blast and kept us busy
When we went to shore to cook up our fish Saturday night, we heard a little bit of everything. Some groups 1-2 bites, some about the same as us and some in between. The overall vibe was that the bite had slowed down since Friday. For us, all but one fish was caught on a set line with single red hook and a split shot. I Jigged the whole time and only got one fish to commit. But, on shore we heard some groups had the majority of their fish jigging – so who knows, maybe it depends on the area you are fishing. I feel the key to our success was staying away from the crowds and having lines spread out. (we had 4 heated boxes that allowed us to spread out our lines) Fish bit on shinners, rainboes and fatheads. Fishing was pretty consistent, I would say a bite every 10-15 min and we had to leave some lines up after midnight to get some sleep. Good luck and enjoy the tremendous fishery and sharing it with kids.

