New trigger

  • Red Eye
    Posts: 1015

    Need to put a new trigger in a Remington 722. Gun os unsafe. Firing at bolt close and safety disengage.
    According to the internet a 700 trigger is interchangeable with a little modification.
    Midway has two different Timney triggers I was looking at. One is cheaper with a 3-4lb pull other is 2-4lb and $50 more.
    Hunting rifle not bench rifle. 257 Roberts. I don’t think I need a 2 lb trigger. Or other better options?
    Any experience?

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12262

    I agree, there is absolutely no need or benefit to having scary-light triggers on hunting rifles. If a hunter can’t shoot well enough with a three to four pound trigger, he should take up stamp collecting instead.

    I have used replacement triggers from Rifle Basix for years now when doing replacements on hunting rifle triggers. I found the quality, function and adjustability to be excellent and at. reasonable price point.

    Rifle Basix

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