…and Buzz, you’re getting a ton of darts tossed at you. I still appreciate your willingness to come on line and try to explain the other side…Even if we don’t always agree.
I agree with BK… Even though I don’t agree with the argument Buzz is making, he is adding value to the conversation, and I respect that! Thank you for speaking up.
Not to tant the waters in this conversation further… but I like in SE WI, many of the waters have invasives of some sort… zebra mussels, or something. The fishing is great. The waters are as clear as ever. Birds, fish, animals all still thrive. The overall conditions are as good as ever, and often better. The sky has not fallen!! I respect the effort to keep invasives out, no doubt. BUT, this type of regulation will not change anything in a positive way… not one thing.
Fear is the greatest opportunity for those looking to change our rights. Look how much has changed in the last ten years alone. This is about control, and money.
To think I’ll still fish Red Wing twice a year, pay for motels, gas, bait, food and everything else when this passes, it is just one more reason to slide south, or spend five hours driving another direction. I can launch at Everts as usual, but can’t take my boat to the motel, casino or to eat those couple nights without having this sticker… easy enough to just not go, and that sucks!!!