new trailer laws for EVERYONE next summer

  • Chuck Melcher
    SE Wisconsin, Racine County
    Posts: 1966

    …and Buzz, you’re getting a ton of darts tossed at you. I still appreciate your willingness to come on line and try to explain the other side…Even if we don’t always agree.

    I agree with BK… Even though I don’t agree with the argument Buzz is making, he is adding value to the conversation, and I respect that! Thank you for speaking up.

    Not to tant the waters in this conversation further… but I like in SE WI, many of the waters have invasives of some sort… zebra mussels, or something. The fishing is great. The waters are as clear as ever. Birds, fish, animals all still thrive. The overall conditions are as good as ever, and often better. The sky has not fallen!! I respect the effort to keep invasives out, no doubt. BUT, this type of regulation will not change anything in a positive way… not one thing.

    Fear is the greatest opportunity for those looking to change our rights. Look how much has changed in the last ten years alone. This is about control, and money.

    To think I’ll still fish Red Wing twice a year, pay for motels, gas, bait, food and everything else when this passes, it is just one more reason to slide south, or spend five hours driving another direction. I can launch at Everts as usual, but can’t take my boat to the motel, casino or to eat those couple nights without having this sticker… easy enough to just not go, and that sucks!!!

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 364

    I think it needs to me mentioned one more time.

    OUR (elected) made this law and NOT the MN DNR.

    Now by law the DNR is forced to enforce it.

    …and Buzz, you’re getting a ton of darts tossed at you. I still appreciate your willingness to come on line and try to explain the other side…Even if we don’t always agree.


    Posts: 7348

    OUR (elected) made this law and NOT the MN DNR.

    Elected yes, but governed by special interests.

    I really, really like your boat plug on the capital idea, count me in, I’d love to throw my fair share of north side Mississippi river water in their face.

    Any idea if the polling option will be available in IDOs future? )

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Any idea if the polling option will be available in IDOs future?

    I was thinking the same thing yesterday…but the best polling option we have is to email our legislators on how each of us feels about this. Copy the Governor and the DNR Commissioner.

    I’ll be adding a link to this thread.

    Now there are some out there asking “why should I email anyone, it’s a law that’s going into effect…a done deal”. Remember the last sticker that was printed by the 10’s of thousands? Before we HAD to have that on our boats, the law was repealed.

    In fact, now that I think about it, it was Buzz that informed us then they were going back to the drawing board to (possibly) include a test with the next sticker.

    Posts: 6687

    When we dump our boat water at the capital can I bring a cooler of shad to dump on their lawn too?

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18940

    Lay under the drain while doing this and simultaneously call it an ALS challenge. Two birds with one stone.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13884

    Thank you MN for again another fine reason for a good laugh. MN can impose this law for the citizens of MN or those that will use its resources/services. As for those traveling from one state to another for business or pleasure by FEDERAL laws, can NOT be burdened with additional costs (taxes/fees). So, in a nut shell, anyone passing through MN does not need to apply for the sticker and take the class. If you are recreationing IN MN, they have the power at the state level to impose the laws to protect their resourses.

    Now, they can require an inspection and tag your trailer as “inspected” in the same manor of which Wyoming does. They have a port of entry requiring all water crafts entering the state to stop and be inspected. It is at NO cost to the traveling person – it is a burden of the state.

    For those wanting more info, take an hour and read the federal Commerce Clause that covers people traveling accross state lines which include for business and for pleasure

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1840

    Cycle, your correct in your assessment that there is life after Zebra Mussels. Most folks look at lakes with them from a boat and how good the fishing is.. My take on this is that Zebs add an extra stressor to the existing set of circumstances that are affecting the lake. What is going on in a lakes ecosystem is a balancing act between habitat, plankton, bait fish, spawning success, year classes of different species moving through, harvest, disease, natural mortality, fishing pressure: just to name a few. As all these interact with each other the ecosystem is tilted one way or another. We know that Zebs filter water, survive on plankton and have no significant predator. Native mussels don’t fair well, most will disappear. So with the filtering we get clearer water, more sunlight perpetration and increased plant growth. Species that do better with increased plant growth prosper, those that don’t are stressed by it. Spawning flats that they may have used see changes. By the Zebs removing plankton, bait fish populations now have a competitor. Zebs remove plankton on the food chains base level. I look at it as an energy source. Bait fish consume the plankton, larger fish consume the bait fish, even larger fish consume the small fish and at the top wildlife and man consume the energy that has been collectively accumulated as the food cycle progresses up. So, it isn’t as if Zebs will destroy a fishery, but when that ecosystem is stressed by nature, having Zebs in the system can be a very detrimental determining factor in the system coping. Mille Lac lake is good example of this, the predator/prey relationships appear out of balance. Did Zeb’s do this? Not likely, did they contribute? Very likely.

    The Sand Prairie
    Posts: 1842

    Mn…the land where legislators cannot resist a new tax law without thinking.

    I’ve read Buzz’s responses and the fine collection MIGHT cover the cost of the program. Really…really? WTF? What the heck is the environmental protection tax we are ALREADY paying supposed to be used for?

    Jerry Jeff’s “Pissin’ in the Wind” sums this one up.

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094

    There is NO FINE per the Statute.

    2013 Minnesota Statutes
    Subdivision 1.Establishment. The commissioner shall establish a statewide course in preventing the spread of aquatic invasive species. The commissioner must develop an educational course and testing program that address identification of aquatic invasive species and best practices to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species when moving water-related equipment, as defined under section 84D.01, subdivision 18a.
    Subd. 1a.Training for offenders. A person who is convicted of or subject to a final order for a violation of chapter 84D involving water-related equipment must successfully complete the training course in subdivision 1 before continuing operation or use of water-related equipment.
    [See Note.]
    Subd. 2.Aquatic invasive species trailer decal. The commissioner shall issue an aquatic invasive species trailer decal for each trailer owned by a person that satisfactorily completes the required course of instruction.
    Subd. 3.Contracting for services. The commissioner may contract for services to provide training and testing services under this section.
    Subd. 4.Aquatic invasive species trailer decal display required. (a) A person may not transport watercraft or water-related equipment, as defined under section 84D.01, subdivision 18a, with a trailer unless the person has an aquatic invasive species trailer decal issued under this section. Temporary authorizations valid for seven days can be requested by persons that have not completed the required course of instruction.
    (b) Aquatic invasive species trailer decals are valid for three years.
    (c) The aquatic invasive species trailer decal must be adhered to the side of the trailer frame tongue near the hitch in a manner that it is readily visible and does not interfere with the display of any registration requirements under section 169.79.
    (d) Aquatic invasive species trailer decals are not transferable.
    (e) Violation of this section shall not result in a penalty, but is punishable only by a warning.
    [See Note.]
    History: 2012 c 272 s 21; 2013 c 121 s 24
    NOTE: Subdivision 4, as added by Laws 2012, chapter 272, section 21, is effective July 1, 2015. Laws 2012, chapter 272, section 21, the effective date.
    NOTE: Subdivision 1a, as added by Laws 2013, chapter 121, section 24, is effective July 1, 2015. Laws 2013, chapter 121, section 24, the effective date.
    Copyright © 2013 by the Office of the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All rights reserved.

    Personally I see no big deal in this, more or a “Make sure everyone is Educated Tool” than anything else.

    But, in all seriousness like the stickers that were supposed to go into effect and be placed on your boat, the Legislature changed that Law to this before it was actually in effect. This may change in the upcoming Legislative session once again.

    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294

    2 things I take from this expert’s answers; One is that the fight to keep zebra mussels out of the lakes is only giving the likes him time to figure out a way to kill them but he adds you will never kill them off so in the end, all the $$ and laws are pi$$in’ in the wind. Two–he says (almost avoiding the answer directly) that where they are native, the world of fisheries has not come to an end as he didn’t elude to one example of a zebra mussel disaster. So, even with all the panic here, in the end, shows our fisheries will be fine decades from now. ( as the walleye lakes are now after two-three decades of zeebs being in them–examples being Lake Erie/Lake Winnebago etc.)

    Nothing wrong with him and others trying to find a miracle. But all this panic and expenditures and laws seems to me it should be pointed at investing in his research, not the inevitable of the zeebs being spread.

    Posts: 6687

    So, i don’t need to comply? Can’t wait to tell that to one of the “Inspectors”

    Posts: 7348

    Zeebs have restored many lakes to cleaner waters and the benefit that comes with that, but the only hang up I have is they do consume a part of the biomass of a lake, and most those waters “restored” by the zeebs were cesspools to begin with so I’m just concerned that the FULL potential of a water won’t be reached with zeebs in it BC they do filter so much. Still this k it’s all BS, just nothing can be said for certain on both sides of issue, all I know stickers suck.

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1840

    Carroll: I wonder how you can be convicted of something if it is only a warning?

    as defined under section 84D.01, subdivision 18a.
    Subd. 1a.Training for offenders. A person who is convicted of or subject to a final order for a violation of chapter 84D involving water-related equipment must successfully complete the training course in subdivision 1 before continuing operation or use of water-related equipment.

    David Anderson
    Dayton, MN
    Posts: 536

    It reminds me of the law back in the early 2000’s for snowmobiles with studs. The Minnesota government passed a law requiring a separate sticker for track studs if riding in Minnesota, regardless of where you were from and it wasn’t cheap. After 3 years of this ridiculous law it was rescinded without much fanfare because of the significant drop in out of state snowmobilers and their money. Is $5.00 too much for an out of state person, probably not but it adds to the level of frustration. You can argue that it’s a good idea but the guys coming from Iowa or Wisconsin to fish in Canada don’t and won’t get it as I’ve had these conversations with my fishing friends.

    And regarding the fine, remember this is the way our seat belt laws were enforced, we passed the law with only warnings issued. That changed and the fine is now only $25 with a $75 surcharge and in Hennepin county, $12 additional fee for a total of $112. If you believe that it will stay a warning guess again. If they pick up too many people without stickers then it will get escalated to the next level, we need some teeth in this law.

    north fowl
    Posts: 605

    I feel the diparity of cost of having internet accessibility and inaccessibility is rather bothersom. Why penalize a sector of the population. Any fee should cover the cost of the program for all at the same rate for everyone. This is discriminatory.
    This wrongly written law only proves how inept and out of touch of reality our congress is.
    I also believe this has verry little to do with ais but more of a money grab, like others have stated.
    Rather than hiking the license fee $7 and listen to the uproar use the end around and call it a fee for ais it will go over much smoother.

    Ben Putnam
    Saint Paul, MN
    Posts: 1001

    Sad thing is, it will cost a bit more time and only a few dollars less to send in letters to congressmen, that likely won’t actually be read by the congressmen; than it will to get the darn sticker… Do migratory birds have to take a class too?

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    My nephew just found out he needs to register his paddle board. Heh heh

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094

    All in All is not Ironic that the supposedly Most Protected Lake in the State, that is as it has been named/called by many ended up with Zebra Mussels anyway, even with Gates and Full-time Inspectors.

    (Side note: Now after the approx $10,000 spent on a Zequanox Treatment, the DNR had divers out there and they found a number of Zebra Mussels outside the Water Barrier setup to treat the access. The MnDNR Diver stated that they now believe there was at least one pair of Adult Zebra Mussels that made it through last winter in the Rock/Rip-Rap at the Access and they bred this spring, thus finding what they determined to be approx 5,000 Zebra Mussels in the Rock/Riprap at the access.)

    Yes, I’ll comply with the Law as a Law-abiding Person. That said, it does not mean I like it or that I won’t be fighting it. There is just no way you’re going to get everyone to comply. A week ago, the Inspectors at Lake Waconia stopped 8-boats during the day that had came from Lake Minnetonka with live Zebra Mussels attached. These were all boats that had been Moored in the lake, thus Lakeshore Owners, are spreading these Invasive’s. At a Meeting in Shorewood, one of the DNR staff stated the most prevalent way new Zebra Mussels Infestations have occurred has been thru Dock & Lift sales by lake-shore owners on infested lakes to people on uninfested lakes. There, now we have a couple different DNR staff blaming the Lakeshore Owners for not obeying the LAws their associations promote.

    Yes, it is worth calling, writing long hand or email letters to the Governor and our State Representatives and State Senators. They do listen and they do want your Votes. Now, is a great time to call, right before the Election. Ask how they Voted on this Bill which became Law in the Spring of 2013.

    In the end, they may slow the Invasives Down but they’ll never Stop them! There is always some new one coming down the road.

    PS: Remember, the Beautiful “Ring Necked Pheasant” is an Invasive Specie, but very well accepted and liked.

    Posts: 6687

    Last two times i’ve left the landing on the Croix (Boomsite) i’ve been told “Well…Maybe you could go wash your boat since you’ve been in the water a few days”

    I just give them the big old LOL.

    Their hot wash station hasn’t been working the past few weeks…I just get a kick out of how the young ladies ask me to go wash my boat.

    north fowl
    Posts: 605

    Last two times i’ve left the landing on the Croix (Boomsite) i’ve been told “Well…Maybe you could go wash your boat since you’ve been in the water a few days”

    I just give them the big old LOL.

    Their hot wash station hasn’t been working the past few weeks…I just get a kick out of how the young ladies ask me to go wash my boat.

    I would have said; The boat was just in for a wash. )

    Wausau, WI
    Posts: 445

    I guess my boat now stays in WI waters…

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    My nephew just found out he needs to register his paddle board. Heh heh

    Found out as in he got a ticket? )
    I went to register mine this spring, and the woman behind the counter told me that I didn’t need to. Then, we pulled out the book. I was right. Seems stupid, though.

    Hudson, Wi/Aitkin Co
    Posts: 1450

    I went to register mine this spring, and the woman behind the counter told me that I didn’t need to. Then, we pulled out the book. I was right. Seems stupid, though.

    Looks like they have a 10ft rule. Am I reading things correctly in that if your paddle board is 9’6″ it does not require registration but if it’s 10’6″ then it does? Likewise, if you have a 12′ recreational kayak it needs registration but if you have an 8′ whitewater kayak it doesn’t?

    Yes, I agree on stupid.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    Looks like they have a 10ft rule. Am I reading things correctly in that if your paddle board is 9’6″ it does not require registration but if it’s 10’6″ then it does?

    You got it, dude! We have a 10’6″ and an 11’6″, thus they need registration stickers. Not that it’ll bankrupt me, but seriously, it’s basically a surfboard with a paddle. How long till a tube needs a sticker?

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    I believe you wouldn’t need registration if you use it for hunting though. Something to think about.

    Do paddleboards come in camo?

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    Do paddleboards come in camo?

    You know, they do, but what are you hunting in July? )

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