I’m supporting this effort. I repeatedly recommended this to the DNR and Legislature to help get it in place. As much as folks want to pontificate on how futile attempts are to stop Zebs and on the dollars spent; we all need to do a better job slowing it down. Argue all you want but the compliance rate for the new laws are very low. If we can move the needle from 30% compliance to 50% with this new process, good for us. Anglers who post in these types of fishing forums are the best educated on AIS laws but we are only a small fraction of the 2+ million water craft users. Nonresidents coming to MN need to know that we care about our lakes and that we don’t want them bringing AIS in. I suggest folks start looking for ways to be part of a solution, and not defend the knukleheads who can’t take the time to pull their plug and clean weeds off their trailer. Our American Society comes with the responsibility of practicing good citizenship.
This is nothing more than a money grab by the DNR. They already have people sitting at landings watching. They need to be funded somehow and this is it. Sorry, but until neighboring states adopt it, it is nothing more than a grab of cash, because they can.
What if I borrow a watercraft from a buddy that does not live in this state, and he has not taken the class, but I have? I have no card on me that states I took it and he has no sticker. I am being responsible, but how can I prove it without extra time from the warden looking up my data. All that extra “work” costs more than the sticker AND class combined.
I agree, we all need to be stewards and do our part, but you and I both know a sticker is not going to stop idiots from doing what they do. Whether they have a sticker or not, they still have to do the “work” after removing their watercraft from the water. This missing sticker just gives the warden leverage to issue a ticket because now the public will be educated from the class.
Cannot stop the inevitable. Learn to manage it and being prepared will go much further and spend a ton less money than prevention.