Hey there,
I’m looking for some guidance after searching All over I can’t find the answer I’m looking for so I thought I aloof try here-
After selling my 18’ aluminum Lund pro v and having fished my entire life in either an aluminum tyee or pro v I’m very seriously considering a ranger. I always wanted a 620 but after thinking through how I use the boat the reata seems more appropriate for a layout. Not huge on the U shape storage in the fisherman’s. This is a primarily fishing boat for me.
I’m all but sold on the Ranger reata but I’m really hung up on the discussions about spearing waves and trolling into waves taking water over the bow. That has never happened in any aluminum boat I’ve fished in and I’ve been in some rough conditions. We fish mainly on Rainy Lake.
Is there a big learning curve to driving these glass boats? Is water over the bow just something you need to accept in a ranger? Any incite would be appreciated.
Thank you!