Hey guys im looking at making my first major purchase. I am looking at a 2013 Larson LXI 292 with a 8.2L single merc engine (390) hours. I’ve tried sourcing info on this boat such as reviews etc online but its so limited it scares me. There is no videos, reviews, or anything on this boat.
The asking is 32K – Im a new boater and wanted to know your thoughts….
the fact i cant find any info on this boat scares me, is it a rare boat? is it a poop boat no one buys? some light here would be awesome. I ran a boat-alert and nothing major came back like accidents etc.
will get a survey on Monday 5/8/20 – But now im wondering if anyone has had, owned or know anything about this boat enough to tell me some advice or help letting me know if its a deal or what i should be paying for something like this or even if i should run away.
Any advice is truly appreciated, don’t want to kill my boating interest making a mistake.
Ive posted pics below.
HIN: IJL94276A313