How do you go about choosing a stand location in a wooded area?
I have an area where a wooded finger of high ground crosses a creek. I believe the deer are using this crossing area because it allows them to stay in thick cover rather than just crossing out in the open where only grass lines the creek banks and they would be easily seen.
What I believe is happening is that in the mornings, deer are being pushed by the owners of neighboring properties as they go out into their stands and they are escaping across this creek and into the sanctuary on my property. I want to intercept them at this pinch point which is on the way to the sanctuary.
The problem I’m encountering is the struggle between being close enough to be able to see in this heavily wooded/brushy area vs being too close so that I risk being seen by approaching deer.
I’m currently running a cam in this area to try to figured out where the deer are moving, but this is slow work when there are multiple trails, but only one can be covered by a given cam.
As an added problem, there isn’t one single trail through this wooded creek crossing. The wooded strip is about 70 yards wide and there are trails everywhere through the thick brush. It’s not possible to see edge to edge, this strip is so thick with brush, which is why the deer are using it.
I can think of 2 options:
1. Put up a stand and try to hide it as best I can, such that the deer would hopefully be on top of me before they saw me. The downside to this approach is that the more hidden the stand is, the lower my visibility is in the thick brush. In other words, they can’t see me very well, but I can’t see the deer very well either.
2. Try to put up an observation stand back away from the crossing area and see if I can see or hear movement that narrows down how the deer are approaching the stand. Then be ready to move the stand if the movement pattern can be narrowed down.
The downside I can see to approach 2 is that all the noise and scent spread by moving stands around will almost certainly tip off the deer. I would also have to cut a new access trail and sight lines because this area is so thick that cutting trails is a must.
I’m happy to hear other ideas about how to best place this stand. Picture/drawing attached.