It’s similar in price and name but not reality. St. Croix makes really nice high end production rods. They do not have anywhere on their website where you can choose your handle, your colors, your taper, your length, your guides, or any number of other factors that go into a truly custom rod.
I can call TUCR, Thorne Bros, DH, JT’s, Infinty, Pierce, Kraemer, or any other custom shop and tell him I want a 40 and 1/2 inch light action rod with 5 inches of hi vis yellow on a extremely fast tip and they’ll CUSTOM make it for me and it still probably be less then $140
Sure about that? I know of one company for sure in this list that will not do what you’re asking.
As a custom rod builder myself, it’s sad to see companies devaluing the word “custom” for marketing purposes. And flat-out disrespectful.