New Skeeter Solera 189

  • Pike1401
    Posts: 54

    One of the few boats that caught my eye at the Boat Show this year. I’ve heard good things about the Skeeter brand, but wondering if anyone has an 18ft Solera and wouldn’t mind sharing their opinions. I really liked how much space there was in the cockpit area, even with 4 pedestal seats. I
    Any other makes/models I should be looking at?

    Posts: 4524

    Very nice boat, couple guys on here have them. What are they getting for them in 2022? $62k with a 150 Merc and no elcetronics?

    Joe Jarl
    SW Wright County
    Posts: 2230

    Very nice boat, couple guys on here have them. What are they getting for them in 2022? $62k with a 150 Merc and no elcetronics?

    Per their website, $58k w/ a 200 SHO, Terrova, and a Helix. But also says sale price determined by dealers.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I love my Solara. In the same breath, it’s for sale. Not that there’s anything wrong with it, just don’t have the time for two boats.

    I’ve had a great time pulling kids on the tube with the ski pole. Caught a double the first time out fishing with it…a walleye and a sauger. Trumar hooked the second one, great way to break in a new boat. It’s heavy enough to fly through 3 foot waves and it’s a dream on the mirror glass river. It doesn’t have a problem getting up and going.

    Back story, I came from having a 2001 Lund 17’er that woke you up if there was a 7″ wave coming at you. The Solara is a Cadillac comparatively speaking. I have less then 120 hours on the engine. So it’s not like I’ve used it a lot.

    The only thing I can think of that is annoying to me (and it might have been fixed in the newer models) is that the Bimini should come forward further. Other then that, it’s a great family friendly, serious fishing boat.

    Sharp looking too!

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    low $60s with cover & few other options including frt, prep, & batteries.

    The Ranger Reata , Ranger Angler, would be the closet similar models that people look at to compare in glass models.

    Posts: 873

    A buddy of mine just got a new one last fall with a 200 SHO. It’s a good boat but the lack of rod storage makes it a no go for me. Its more of a fish/ski boat layout if that’s what looking for.

    Posts: 3

    I have the 2018 Solera 205 and love it …..except for the stress cracks! I discovered two of them last spring. Without getting into the nitty gritty details, one is being covered by warranty. The second one I opted to cover. The third one, which I was just informed of, is also not going to be covered by warranty. Needless to say, I’m concerned about this trend continuing. I’m looking into my industry resources to obtain contact information to the upper midwest Skeeter rep. Already had stree crack conversations with local dealership management when the 1st two cracks were discovered.

    Other than that, a great boat!

    (Oh, BTW – This boat has 40 or less hours on it. Many on the big water of Lake of the Woods!)

    Chris Messerschmidt
    Posts: 615

    I have the 2018 Solera 205 and love it …..except for the stress cracks! I discovered two of them last spring. Without getting into the nitty gritty details, one is being covered by warranty. The second one I opted to cover. The third one, which I was just informed of, is also not going to be covered by warranty. Needless to say, I’m concerned about this trend continuing. I’m looking into my industry resources to obtain contact information to the upper midwest Skeeter rep. Already had stree crack conversations with local dealership management when the 1st two cracks were discovered.

    Other than that, a great boat!

    (Oh, BTW – This boat has 40 or less hours on it. Many on the big water of Lake of the Woods!)

    Unfortunately its the nature of the beast with glass boats. All manufactures get them. I don’t see to many glass boats that don’t have them. I will say my last 2060 didn’t have one which surprised me.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    The only stress cracks I get are from my wife. Then again, I’m on the river and seldom on the lake.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8983

    This boat with a 200 SHO will be on our radar once the world’s chaos calms down a bit more. They will probably never get cheaper, but hopefully the supply is at least a little better. By then my daughter will be old enough to tag along more often and the little one coming this summer will make occasional trips too.

    What is the rod storage layout on them/or lack thereof as someone above mentioned? We do a decent amount of trolling and substantially more fishing from the cockpit area than the front deck. If someone is fishing from the front, it is one person only. From the pictures they seem like they have more room from the windshield to the back of the boat than many comparable models which is exactly what we will be looking for when the time comes.

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    With the walk thru area, that obviously reducuces the depth for overall rod staoreage vs the non walk thru.

    Justin Donson
    Posts: 365

    As others said, I think the Ranger Reata or Triton Allure are the closest comparisons.

    I have a 2004 Ranger Reata 1850 and we LOVE it as a family boat. SO much room in the cockpit, which puts our mind at ease with little kids, and is great for trolling, lindy fishing, jigging, etc.

    You can fit two on the bow casting if you are like pitching jigs or something, probably wouldn’t do it if you are casting big lures/bucktails or anything like that.

    For how I fish, I don’t know that I’d get much out of upgrading to a 619 or 620, seems like all that extra length is on the bow. I just don’t use the bow that much. But that’s totally a personal preference thing.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5184

    I have a Reata….buddy has a Solera. Both are great boats. This may have changed but the Solera comes with a 200 and the Reata only rated for 175. It’s a pretty big difference in my book.

    I’ve been on both for family stuff and big water….they really are fish and ski capable.

    Regardless, talk to Dean and the TBC guys. Nothing but great experiences all around. Highly recommend.

    Adam Steffes
    Posts: 439

    We looked hard at the solera but ended up getting a reata instead. Seemed like more build quality and little minor details better executed in the years we were interested in (bought used). Not sure what the new ones look like so not much help there. I will second the family friendly nature of this style of boat though. We probably use ours 70% family time and 30% fishing. They do handle big water well, thats certain.

    Michael C. Winther
    Reedsburg, WI
    Posts: 1523

    Unfortunately its the nature of the beast with glass boats. All manufactures get them. I don’t see to many glass boats that don’t have them. I will say my last 2060 didn’t have one which surprised me.

    That’s definitely not my experience, and there’s no way we should wave it off as just the nature of things, imho.

    I’m on my 9th fiberglass boat from 3 different manufacturers and I have never had a single stress crack. And while I don’t pound the big waves at speed during tournaments, I am on big water every year and I don’t let rough stuff stop me from going where I want to go.

    A small cosmetic-only crack might be something to be unhappy about but tolerable with some cover up, but if it’s anywhere that it can grow and spread?

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8983

    My Tuffy doesn’t have any stress cracks and it’s a 2008. The only issue I’ve had is where the eye for the tow strap to connect to has shown wear to the point I’ll probably have someone replace it. At over $50k stress cracks early wouldn’t be acceptable to me if I went new.

    Posts: 12784

    To the last two posters I agree. I had a warrior now a ranger and don’t have stress cracks and I fish big water 99 percent of time and let her buck.
    I would not be happy if I owned a skeeter had stress cracks. I do not think that is normal. Have several buddies with all sorts of glass boats including skeeter and have not heard them complain about them. I don’t look their boats over with a fine tooth comb, but guessing they would mention it to me.

    Chuck Melcher
    SE Wisconsin, Racine County
    Posts: 1966

    2001 Lund 17’er that woke you up if there was a 7″ wave coming at you.

    I have a 17’ Lund and know this feeling very well. Get out in plenty of big water and can honestly say I happy to get back in at times:)

    Brian…. Your boat would be a dream to have. Someday!!

    Posts: 54

    Any thoughts on the Lund Tyee GL?

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8983

    The Lund glass boats are nice from the 2 times fishing in one with a college buddy.

    Their price tags are not nice.

    I wouldn’t necessarily NOT buy one, but I’d be shopping other brands simultaneously to see if I can get more bang for my buck.

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