New Scope

  • Nic Barker
    Central WI-Northern IL
    Posts: 380

    Finally pulled the trigger on my new scope tonight. Athlon Talos BTR 4-14×44 for my Axis 22-250. Reviews have been good from what I have seen and I am excited to try out FFP. Have not been to the range yet so I will update after that.

    The Back 40
    Posts: 1955

    I bought two new scopes as well. Both vortex. Ones a viper model and the other Diamondback HP. Really impressed but will find out next weekend how lucky they are!

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    That should get you up close and personal. Coyotes the intended targets?

    Nic Barker
    Central WI-Northern IL
    Posts: 380

    Yup coyotes and then steel/paper out to hopefully 500yds. Pretty much the reason I started looking into FFP was to take this rifle and touch 500 at least once but then get comfortable to 300 for coyotes. I hope to start making longer trips back to where my family is in IL where touching 300 is realistic for coyotes.

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2851

    I have a .22-250. Awesome coyote rifle. Hit them in the boiler room and its bang flop! Coyote collapses, tail wags once, and thats it. Down before your hear the bang. My experience has been sight in 1 inch high at 100 yards and then you put the cross hairs on and if that coyote is between 50 and 300 yards, no need for hold over or under. I shoot 50 gr. Vmax.

    Nic Barker
    Central WI-Northern IL
    Posts: 380

    My Axis likes the 50grain vmaxs as well, it also shoots the 45gr UMCs by Remington well. The rifle is not new to me I just upgraded Scopes and am looking to get more comfortable at that 300yd mark.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12323

    My Axis also likes the 50 grain pills, either the V Max or the cheaper Z-Max. Lights out at 300, I love da boom whop.

    The only thing that has let me down on the Axis is the magazine. The little spring steel retention clip that holds the front of the mag in the well breaks off. Buy an extra one and keep it at least in your truck just in case.

    Other than that, I’ve now logged over 1000 rounds through the Axis platforms with only the mag spring failure and one case head separated putting the gun out of action for an afternoon.


    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    My Axis also likes the 50 grain pills, either the V Max or the cheaper Z-Max. Lights out at 300, I love da boom whop.

    The only thing that has let me down on the Axis is the magazine. The little spring steel retention clip that holds the front of the mag in the well breaks off. Buy an extra one and keep it at least in your truck just in case.

    Other than that, I’ve now logged over 1000 rounds through the Axis platforms with only the mag spring failure and one case head separated putting the gun out of action for an afternoon.


    That’s awesome Grouse! At that rate, my Axis’ will last me until I’m dead! My 22-250 differs slightly on it’s favored taste, it doesn’t like 50gr. anything, but it likes the 45gr. JHPs from both Remington and Winchester, or the 55gr. Hornady Vmax rounds. I’d love to put this gun to some coyote action but so far it’s just been on the PD trips.

    That’s an idea Nic! Practice/develop your long range skills on prairie dogs! You’ll love it!

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12323

    Just to call out that I worked my way DOWN to the 50 grain from 55 to 52 and finally settled on 50. I’ve never tried anything below 50, so just to put my comments in context.

    In the dog towns, wind and thermal-bucking abilities are THE deciding factors. And as they say, size matters. I don’t routinely test anything .223 caliber with bullets below 50 unless the twist rate or the design calls for it, like the delightfully old-school Hornet or Bee.

    BTW, if any of you have an old bolt action .218 Bee you want to part with, get in touch.


    Nic Barker
    Central WI-Northern IL
    Posts: 380

    Well finally got the scope to the range. Within 4 shots I was where I wanted it to be. And the rifle still shoots fantastic.

    I like the reticle of this scope alot the “floating” center is very nice for seeing the dot I’m aiming at. I will need some practice with an adjustable parrallax scope as this is new to me but I’ll get the hang of it. Glass was super clear for me easily able to see holes in paper at 100yds.

    Now the next steps are: 1- get hunting with it and 2- go out and find a place over 200yds to shoot at.

    1. IMG_20181030_114920002.jpg

    2. IMG_20181030_114924062.jpg

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    That group in the sw corner of the target with all the holes is a dog popper for sure.

    Jeff Heeg
    Posts: 118


    What part of central Wisconsin are you from. Just curious if your anywhere close.


    Nic Barker
    Central WI-Northern IL
    Posts: 380


    What part of central Wisconsin are you from. Just curious if your anywhere close.


    Stevens Point Area

    Posts: 25048

    That is a nice group for sure! Good luck finding something to test it out on!

    Nic Barker
    Central WI-Northern IL
    Posts: 380

    I just realized my photos of groups needs to be rotated 90 degrees to the right that second group was about 1in high at 100yds.

    Posts: 25048

    I just realized my photos of groups needs to be rotated 90 degrees to the right that second group was about 1in high at 100yds.

    Yeah I figured that. If you haven’t done it, Prairie Dog hunting in the Dakotas would be a blast with that setup. I have buddies that do it and they reach out to some unreal yardages.

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