This was brought to the MN DNR by our Roundtable representatives (folks in the advisory work groups).
There were too many lakes with way too many hammer handles in them.
The walleye guys were complaining because they kept getting in the way of catching walleyes, the pike folks were complaining because they were too small.
It was said at that time, who would want to keep that many small pike?
Responses were: Kids and people that liked to pickle them (that’s all I can remember).
The DNR wanted to reduce the number of hammer handles but not take away harvesting a larger fish.
I believe it was well thought out for it’s intended goal. Now just to convince people to take the 10 little guys home..
Actually the “walleye guys” main issue was that DNR walleye stocking efforts were being significantly compromised in many lakes overloaded with hammerhandles (which there are many) in certain regions. As soon as the fry or fingerlings went in, the pike ate most of them all. So instead of the intended result of improved walleye #’s, they instead proliferated even more small pike. And of course most anglers are pounding their fists demanding more walleyes.
See there, it’s always all about the walleye!
If you fillet the same as a walleye, cut them into smaller chunks and make a cut perpendicular to the bones near the y, most bones will dissolve while being fried.
I might have to try that. Sometimes we’d do the same, but instead put the cut pieces through a blender or food processor and make fish cakes. Those would turn out quite yummy.