new outboard motor price- scam or?

  • Alagnak Pete
    Posts: 362

    I received a quote for a new yamaha 4 stroke 25 tiller (elec start/t&t) from a local marine dealership that I purchased my 9.9 kicker from a few years ago. They quoted me $5599 for the 25 and “includes rigging” which there is no rigging throwing it on a jon boat. Just for the heck of it I shopped around online to see if I could get one shipped to me in the factory crate since they are pretty light. I had a marine dealer a couple states away quote me $3715 shipped to my door.

    I would immediately think SCAM alert but the place has been in business for 40 years, has a nice website and a brick and mortar store and yes- actual people you can talk on the phone with, in english.

    How can there be such a price difference? What am I missing here?


    MN - 55082
    Posts: 1644

    There are tons of different models. I’m guessing the $5600 was maybe with the pull start and big tiller handle? If not with both those options, way too much $$ imo. Most the electric start/trim motors don’t have the pull start standard and the big handle is more $$ too.

    If I remember right, my efi25 with electric start/trim and pull with the big handle was $4400, which I thought was kinda high. It’s a sweet motor.

    Posts: 332

    $5600 for a 25hp Yamaha is quite high….

    Alagnak Pete
    Posts: 362

    I got prices for both pull start and elec start from both places and confirmed this price was for elec start and power tilt WITH the tiller handle.

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    F25LWTC & F25LC are the only 2 models that are electric trim & Tilt. They do however do not come with a tiller handle. These will require a fit kit and tiller handle, assuming you need it to be a tiller. I suspect that might be part of your difference.

    MN - 55082
    Posts: 1644

    Did you get prices of electric start WITH pull start from both places? AND, there are 2 different tiller handles.

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    I suspect you were quoted on a F25LWHC which has electric start, handle, no electric trim & tilt, but nitro assist for the lower dollar amount.
    It can be quite confusing getting the models apples to apples.

    Alagnak Pete
    Posts: 362

    Thanks for the help guys. I’ll make sure to ask a few more questions with these details. Dean- I’ll call or email to get a price from you guys as well. That’s the thing- I’d much rather buy local but of course want a decent price too!

    Alagnak Pete
    Posts: 362

    I suspect you were quoted on a F25LWHC which has electric start, handle, no electric trim & tilt, but nitro assist for the lower dollar amount.
    It can be quite confusing getting the models apples to apples.

    It’s quite confusing actually. Then what’s the difference between the F25LMHC and the F25LWHC?

    As long as it has the lift assist I prob won’t go with power T&T and keep it to manual start. I’ve used on a 40 for years and it works great. You can lift that motor up with two fingers pressed down on the handle.

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    Not sure I can type all of this lol

    Then what’s the difference between the F25LMHC and the F25LWHC?

    LMHC manual start

    LWHC electric and manual start

    Alagnak Pete
    Posts: 362

    Again- thanks for your time guys. Dean, I sent an online request for quote from SBC.

    Harrisville, UT
    Posts: 2816

    AP, what did you pay for your 9.9? I might be soon in the market.


    Alagnak Pete
    Posts: 362

    AP, what did you pay for your 9.9? I might be soon in the market.


    Just about the same amount at this 25 would cost! I think I paid $3650 for the 9.9 with electric start, power T&T, tiller handle. They sting but are certainly worth it.

    Posts: 333

    Just get the model numbers for all quotes then you will know

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