New MN Law to effect All Ice Anglers

  • BigWerm
    SW Metro
    Posts: 12430

    Fishing regulations are state law. The new law is no different than the laws concerning spreading aquatic invasives. State law concerning invasives, affects everyone, is not specific to fishermen, yet it is included in the fishing regulations even though it has nothing to do with the actual act of fishing.

    Email the DNR and ask. I’d bet it will be included in the regs in the near future. It likely hasn’t yet, since it is not a specific to fishing regulation, and updating websites isn’t as easy as “a simple few key strokes”.

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3134

    Well then, the only reasonable conclusion is the DNR has no intension of enforcing the new regulation. whistling


    I certainly do not feel it is unreasonable to expect this information to be included in the fishing booklet. It’s not that difficult to update a PDF document.

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3134

    It likely hasn’t yet, since it is not a specific to fishing regulation, and updating websites isn’t as easy as “a simple few key strokes”.

    I beg to differ, only the PDF document would need updated. The link and the website would stay the same.
    Right now a group of us are working on a 1500 page watershed plan document that gets changed/ updated weekly if not more. The link to access that document does not change. You click on that link you get the current version, updates included.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 21974

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>BigWerm wrote:</div>
    It likely hasn’t yet, since it is not a specific to fishing regulation, and updating websites isn’t as easy as “a simple few key strokes”.

    I beg to differ, only the PDF document would need updated. The link and the website would stay the same.
    Right now a group of us are working on a 1500 page watershed plan document that gets changed/ updated weekly if not more. The link to access that document does not change.

    Call the dnr and let them know !!!

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6130

    Huntingdave, not sure how often you look up stuff on the MN DNR website? But I’ll tell you from years of experience, the website sucks! Even if they update the info, it will still be confusing, unclear and trigger another entire IDO debate on what they really mean! And I’ll just toss out the Mille Lacs Lake open water regs as an example.


    Posts: 24548

    There is way more to what you search for on the DNR website than just regulations which may or may not be a PDF. There is so much more info that is in just general info and it does not get updated by updating a PDF because I have found multiple discrepancies over the years. Eventually they did, but not right away.

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3134

    Huntingdave, not sure how often you look up stuff on the MN DNR website?

    There is way more to what you search for on the DNR website than just regulations which may or may not be a PDF.

    Don’t disagree. My comments are specific to this one PDF document. The DNR provides this document as a reference for fishermen to be able to download on their phone and have the most up-to-date information. No, it does not contain all the same information as the state statue, yet it does include information that the average fisherman is going to encounter. (such as the invasive species info).

    It just seems reasonable that the newest law affecting all folks on the ice (the majority of which will be fishermen) be also included in the PDF.

    Posts: 2224

    A 20-ounce or 32-ounce paper cup works well on the ice where people are close by. Discretionary peeing works in you are concerned Mr. Green Jeans or the local deputy do-right may be watching or the kids nearby are playing outside and not watching their lines. Dump contents of cup in a snowbank or down an ice hole.

    To be honest, the cup works better in the boat too … some people just don’t have the stream power to not get it (urine) on the inside of the boat.

    Can rinse the cup if you so desire. Shared cup or each have their own. Again your call.

    That or fish after dark … or are they watching us with night vision goggles?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    You guys are hilarious! rotflol

    Well, except for JJ, he’s a Marine. bow

    Posts: 741

    Get a $3 plastic kids bat, cut open both ends….problem solved

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 21974

    Get a $3 plastic kids bat, cut open both ends….problem solved

    What’s that solving.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Black pool noodles work better then bats…so I’ve heard.

    Posts: 411

    Wow, I was entirely unaware so much thought and effort has been employed to avoid having one’s umm, well, you know, exposed while taking a leak. I just face the other way. Figure if someone’s taking the time to look, I should be flattered lol

    Posts: 741

    Solving the issue of relieving yourself from the boat and assisting with potential concerns of waves causing you to fall from leaning over the edge, potential drops on boat/carpet, etc.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8971

    Get a $3 plastic kids bat, cut open both ends….problem solved

    Those giant blaze orange ones work best. That way it signals to anyone in the area exactly what’s going on and can be spotted from further away waytogo

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 21974

    Solving the issue of relieving yourself from the boat and assisting with potential concerns of waves causing you to fall from leaning over the edge, potential drops on boat/carpet, etc.

    I guess I thought this was about ice fishing and making yellow snowmen. I’m still on the last problem. As for pissing off the boat I usually do it towards the neighboring boats. If they see the show they are to close. I don’t need a weiner extender, I can make it over the rails still.

    Posts: 2224

    About 15 years ago I gave a coworker a bag of depends before their trip to China.

    Taped to the bag was the print-out of the report on how Chinese adults use adult diapers when traveling (especially during New Year). Apparently, the trains are so full it is the only way …

    Posts: 741

    Bearcat…I’d be in the camp of drill a hole and fill it back in, or just kick snow over it. For garbage I put it back in a bucket already, guess i’ll tie it to the house with paracord.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 21974

    Bearcat…I’d be in the camp of drill a hole and fill it back in, or just kick snow over it. For garbage I put it back in a bucket already, guess i’ll tie it to the house with paracord.

    I’m in your same boat. Just like most laws like this, it’s more common sense then anything. Be clean, respectful of both your neighbors and nature and at the same time be a solid role model for the younger ones. It’s 3 things I strive for no matter who’s watching. If I pee out side it’s secretly and not seen by any one.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12430

    That way it signals to anyone in the area exactly what’s going on and can be spotted from further away

    I have a buddy that likes to turn the boat toward any nearby boats and start yelling BIG FISH!! GET THE NET!! Whenever nature calls for one of his passengers… rotflol

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11063

    Not only is the water cold, but it’s very deep. wink

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6718

    I have a buddy that likes to turn the boat toward any nearby boats and start yelling BIG FISH!! GET THE NET!! Whenever nature calls for one of his passengers…

    That’s funny! I did not do it on purpose but me and a buddy were fishing and he was taking a wiz of the back of the boat and it happened to drift to the direction of another boat, I looked in the other boat and there was gal in there, so I said to my buddy who had not noticed yet, at least you could introduce your self first. rotflol

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