New MN Law to effect All Ice Anglers

  • Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Just be happy you made it to your boots. 1” doesn’t stick through 3” of clothing well.

    You’ve been talking to the FW again! Son of a…

    David Anderson
    Dayton, MN
    Posts: 536

    So, I looked up the estimated walleye population of Red Lake and got 13,000,000 for both lakes. I wonder what these fish do with their waste?

    Posts: 1822

    13,000,000 walleye and not one of em bitches and moans about common sense laws regarding not whipping out the gentalia in public, or leaving feces laying around. Go figure huh.

    Posts: 411

    Jon that’s a great idea. Jigging hole, tip up hole, whizz hole.

    Not gonna lie, that’s what I already do when it’s REALLY cold outside…

    Posts: 411

    whipping out the gentalia in public,

    I’m confused, so you don’t use the bathroom, at all, when you’re fishing on the river? That’s gotta be a superpower or something.

    Posts: 6631

    Jon, I stand by my statement. You DO NOT NEED to have a secured or tethered container, or even a dedicated trash container at all.

    The ONLY time you have to follow this law is if you’re storing garbage “outside”

    There’s still nothing illegal about tossing trash in the tub of your portable, the bed of your truck, or anywhere in a wheelhouse or permanent shack.

    1. Screenshot_20231205-1849132.png

    Posts: 6631

    Jon I don’t think B-man is in disagreement with you. He’s saying that you can keep the trash inside your truck or shack instead. Like in a bin or bag that’s inside. You only need the tether/rope if its attached outside the vehicle or shack.

    The way the law is written you don’t need a bin or bag like you described.

    Don’t make people over think this lol

    You could have the floorboards of your truck or bottom of your sled mounded with loose trash (if you wanted to)

    The second you “store” it outside is when it’s illegal and you need to follow the new law.

    Posts: 2224

    No way does secured translate to tethered. Secured means that the trash, bag, waste will not fall or blow off your sled, shelter, vehicle …. when leaving the ice.

    Like most laws there is ambiguity built in because
    1) those writing the laws do not actually understand the activity
    2) they want to create discretion for law enforcement
    3) they want to create opportunity for lawyers

    Leave the ice a little better when you leave.

    Peeing – well that (IMO) is a completely different situation than those that throw cigarette butts on the ice or leave bags of trash or crap on the ice.

    Posts: 2224

    What about chewing tobacco spit and sunflower seed hulls ?

    That along with cigarette butts … I find the most irritating.

    What are Minnesota’s base littering laws ? Seems you just amend those laws to include lakes (frozen or not).

    Posts: 2224

    To the guy saying in the country it is different …

    Really ?

    … feuds between neighbors (next door or down the road) often start over some pretty petty things.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    The way the law is written you don’t need a bin or bag like you described.

    I agree, I was only using that as an example. If you want to throw them on the floor, that’s your decision. I would personally put them in a container of some kind myself. I don’t care to have trash laying around personally.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    What about chewing tobacco spit and sunflower seed hulls ?

    That along with cigarette butts … I find the most irritating.

    What are Minnesota’s base littering laws ? Seems you just amend those laws to include lakes (frozen or not).

    I mark my hole success with Tobacco spit. The more spit the better the hole! jester

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6724

    whipping out the gentalia in public,

    I’m confused, so you don’t use the bathroom, at all, when you’re fishing on the river? That’s gotta be a superpower or something.

    I agree. So where does a person go pee when he is ice fishing. I think everyone tries to make sure there not whipping it out when people are around. If I have to walk off the ice to a bathroom to pee, I guess it’s not worth the effort of going at all.

    Posts: 94

    A pee hole in the snow is now a whole mountain range.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Wildlifeguy wrote:</div>
    whipping out the gentalia in public,

    I’m confused, so you don’t use the bathroom, at all, when you’re fishing on the river? That’s gotta be a superpower or something.

    I agree. So where does a person go pee when he is ice fishing. I think everyone tries to make sure there not whipping it out when people are around. If I have to walk off the ice to a bathroom to pee, I guess it’s not worth the effort of going at all.

    Behind my truck door no matter where I am is my pee spot. When I gotta go I go. Guess that’s growing up in the country maybe or doing road work or just being a man.

    Posts: 5307

    Where to pee?

    Coffee cans, Gatorade bottles, and if it’s cold enough can make a 20oz work, makes for an awkward Chinese finger trap tho doah

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3140

    If one goes to the MN DNR web site and downloads the current regulations to their phone, on what page will one find this regulation? I understand printed copies of the regulations may not be up to date. The DNR website provides a link to the “current regulations”. Yet somehow I’m not seeing on what page it is listed. It’s not on the “new for 2023” page and I don’t see it anywhere in the ice fishing section.

    1. currentregs-1.jpg

    2. updated.jpg

    3. currentregs.jpg

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    Ill be writing my first name only (or initials) in the snow going forward so I don’t incriminate myself.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    This is the law they could have amended. Its the current littering law. The fine is 400$. It contains the same definitions of littering, but only applies to private property and roadways. Im all for applying the 400$ fine to the ice too.

    After like 10 posts to the contrary, it sounds like you agree with the common theme in this thread Riverrat! rotflol jester rotflol

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3140

    It’s a new state law so it wouldn’t be listed in the DNR Regulations.

    Why would it NOT be listed in the most current electronic DNR Regulations?
    I already said the printed copies would not be current.

    I am specifically asking about the electronic PDF which the DNR website says is current (up to date)
    The PDF document on the website should be the updated version of the regulations. A few simple key strokes and the document is updated.

    Posts: 1822

    I needed to narrow down what people where complainin about. We gotta keep the focus on rocks and turds. This threads so long I cant even remember if I agree or disagree anyhow. I am going to start watching for holes with tobacco spit all around them now though, it’s like the winter version of using google earth to find trampled spots beside the river.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6130

    Why would it NOT be listed in the most current electronic DNR Regulations?

    Probably because it is a state reg not a specific fishing reg.


    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3140

    Probably because it is a state reg not a specific fishing reg.

    According to original post by Brian, the announcement came from the DNR.

    Minnesota Department of Natural Resources

    Big changes are coming for all ice anglers this winter!

    A new law is in effect related to storing garbage and other waste (in all its forms) left on the ice. While the impetus for the law was increased dumping of sewage from permanent fish houses, it will affect all ice anglers, regardless of the type of shelter they use.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6130

    It’s a state law affecting anyone who goes onto the ice.

    Assaulting someone is also illegal by state regs. However, you are not going to find a specific DNR reg against it. coffee


    Posts: 1822

    IT IS NOT A FISHING REGULATION. It is a state law. Like murder, or tax evasion. It applies to more than just anglers. If a rando goes onto the ice and takes a dump they can also get the hundred dollar fine. They also announce critical habitat or special plates but they aren’t the DMV, they just try to spread the word.

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3140

    It’s a state law affecting anyone who goes onto the ice.

    Assaulting someone is also illegal by state regs. However, you are not going to find a specific DNR reg against it. coffee


    By your logic there should be no information in the regs concerning aquatic invasive species because that also is a state law which affects everyone and is not specific to fishing.

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3140

    IT IS NOT A FISHING REGULATION. It is a state law.

    Fishing regulations are state law. The new law is no different than the laws concerning spreading aquatic invasives. State law concerning invasives, affects everyone, is not specific to fishermen, yet it is included in the fishing regulations even though it has nothing to do with the actual act of fishing.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6130

    Well then, the only reasonable conclusion is the DNR has no intension of enforcing the new regulation. whistling


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