steve-fellegy on 1/29/2016 at 9:15 am
I would be curious to know how many of these big numbers/catches are many of the same fish biting over and over or actually different fish relative to how many were reeled in.
The DNR knows based on their own hands on experience ( that they have NOT made public), that in recent open water BIG bites, the SAME fish bit multiple times in an hour let alone the same day on a hook and line––thus the creel survey numbers /reports like this one are NOT accurate in regard to how many fish are actually being caught. I for one, did some tagging of fish in recent years both open water and through the ice and found the same fish to often bite on our lines at least 3-5 times an hour. This scenario was a daily happening–ALL season long in recent years. (back years ago with no slot limits, the numbers we “harvested” were accurate being we rarely put a fish caught back–and NO—the harvest numbers were NOT higher back then–per the DNR records!)
My point is, when forage is low, is the “bite” giving anglers/the DNR a false sense of how many fish are there and being killed? In other words, what is the ACTUAL harvest vs. the “count” of the times an angler reeled in a fish? The answer would hugely change the harvest numbers used relative to the quota system!!
The DNR reps will NOT answer me on this….anyone else ask them–say the so called “advisory” group in public? I challenge any of the advisory group to get THAT question answered. The quota /harvest total would surely change if the SAME fish are NOT counted multiple times in the creel surveys! Questions about how the DNR reps know this I will gladly answer with proof they know…
Now, before anyone accuses me of being negative AGAIN–lol– I am TRYING to make sure we are not, as many have in the past few years, living in denial based on how big and many of the fish are in the lake–based on what is seen on our lines.