New member…how long for post to show up?

  • Karl Hungus
    Carver County, Minnesota
    Posts: 220

    Joined this morning and posted a new topic in the General forum but it didn’t seem to post. Can you tell me if there was a problem or does it just take time and I’m too impatient?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    This post showed up.

    A new member that places a link in their post will take longer.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13919

    Usually pretty fast. However if I have poor data connection, sometimes it will drop the connection before it posts and then act as if it did. Only to find my post didn’t happen.

    Easy way to see is in your profile, click activity and it will show a link to your recent post. It appears your first post didn’t go. I don’t see it in your activity

    Karl Hungus
    Carver County, Minnesota
    Posts: 220

    Thanks…I tried it again and it timed out… I think that was the issue because on the third try, it went right through. Thanks again

    Hodag Hunter
    Northern Wisconsin
    Posts: 482


    Sometimes my posts time out. Then I go check and they did post.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12703

    on post I often have to hit the Sub. button twice. The 2nd time it gives me a error ” Dup. post ” But when I back out and come back in my new post is there.

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