I have been working with my stuff now that I have a new Elite ti 9. Connected to the brothers wifi from his dock in the boat and did an upload already for the machine… Was looking at my Navionics stuff and have been seeing some pretty neat things, I think currently you can set the shallow depth range on my driod and get it dotted in red, but can’t wait for that feature you have shown above.
Wondering… I am assuming that stuff that I’ve read that if I buy the Navioics+ for one of my old chips, I can download limitlessly for that card for one year for $99. Couldn’t you do the same thing and using the wifi in my ti-9, download to that chip in my boat??? Thanks in advance!!!
You’re correct, the $99 update is the subscription which allows daily updates to that chip, it also gives you the ability to run SonarCharts Live, and the use of plotter sync as well, which if connected to a mobile device you can update your maps via that way as well.
I hope this answers your questions.
Dr. Pomoxis, I have actually asked this questions and as of right now it isn’t available on the chips. Sounded like they’re waiting for buy in from the manufactures to allow this functionality. I hope it happens.