New deer rifle

  • Kyle hulke
    Posts: 38

    Bergara B-14 hunter
    750 dollars after tax

    Posts: 1811

    Good read Mr Randy W. Confirmed what I thought all along , if you have a 270 why switch, unless you just want another rifle. DK.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248

    Good read Mr Randy W. Confirmed what I thought all along , if you have a 270 why switch, unless you just want another rifle. DK.

    I think you could say the same thing for a long, long list of chamberings. There are just so many cartridges from .24 to .30 that will very capably kill a deer-sized animal at all practical ranges, that it would take a long effort to even list them all. If, of course, the shooter can do his or her part. The shooter, IME, is almost always the weakest link in the chain.

    It also confirmed that every cartridge is a compromise and each comes with a set of pluses and minuses, especially as they relate to shooting game animals.


    Posts: 1811

    Bowhunter at heart here, I don’t take shooting to an extreme, my opinion if you got a 3006, 308, or 270, that takes care of most things except preditors and real long shooting . for me I just want to go to any old store and know they got my cartridges. The newest thing isn’t always the greatest, now with that said spending 1200.00 on a new bow is well worth it. DK

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Good read Mr Randy W. Confirmed what I thought all along , if you have a 270 why switch, unless you just want another rifle. DK.

    My intent with the link wasn’t to sway anyone away from the 6.5, just to get good comparison info out there. Ironically, I know a few guys that have 270WIN and have jumped over to 6.5’s. I even own one and I have 5 rifles in the .277.

    In my opinion, the 6.5C has 2 advantages. 1) Less recoil. Maintaining target acquisition throughout the entire shot is much easier. 2) IF your a reloader, AND you want to do a lot of shooting, the 6.5 will be a cheaper round to load 1 pound of powder is about 7000grain. On average, the creedmore is about 10gr less per charge. 6.5 @ 42gr = 166/# 270win @53gr = 132/#

    BTW – nice rifle! I’ve been shooting a buddys B-14 HMR and I love it. Been wanting to add one to my collection and haven’t settled on caliber yet. Either will replace one of my Howa 22-250’s or ??? would like a 338 mag or 416

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