New Console Unit

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  • IceNEyes1986
    Harris, MN
    Posts: 1404

    Looking for input on a new console unit. I have no idea where to even start. Everything out there is light years ahead of the 2001 Lowrance Eagle I currently have. I’ve got a 24v Terrova on the bow if that makes any difference. I don’t need anything too fancy and would like to keep it under $1,000.

    SI would be cool and so would Chart Plotting, but not necessary. If it were you, what would you buy and why?

    Southern WI
    Posts: 1532

    I prefer Humminbird units. I am very used to how they work and their menu setups and the ability to have the Lakemaster chip is a huge plus for me

    Posts: 4550

    You can pick up last years models for under $1k in a 9-12″ screens. Best to go and look at them and talk to an educated sales person. Play with them and push buttons.

    Wright County
    Posts: 3181

    If your terrova has follow the contour and you want to use it I think humminbird is the only option. Personally I run two 9” garmins. I think you just missed a sale on the last gen UHD 9” units for $500 with the new transducer too.

    Posts: 664

    If you go Humminbird you will have very good mapping in our region, Id say the best but that might start an argument. You will get the best Side and down imaging. this is almost not arguable, it is widely agreed upon and why many pros still have at least one bird on their boats. Where you can get hung up is on the “generation” of the Humminbird product AND network vs Non-network units. I would target any 10″ screen or larger that is SI/DI/GPS, but make sure it is at last G4N (Generation4 and N stands for Networkable) if you look at the discontinued Helix units. The G4n I compatible with mega 360, Mega Si/Di and Gen 1 Mega Live. The 10″ screen size is starting point for Side imaging anything smaller and you are cramming a lot into a little screen. At 10″ you can still see the Mega Imaging out effectively at a distance of about 80′ each way.

    Charlie W
    TRF / Pool 3 / Grand Rapids, MN / SJU
    Posts: 1376

    Plenty of YouTube videos out there these days to teach you how to use any graph you decide to buy.

    It would be pretty hard to beat a last years model humminbird helix right now. Can get a decent size for that price right now. I would recommend that route if the newest tech is not a priority.

    I also have a lowrance elite 9 that I would sell you if interested. Not much use, came off a rig I bought that I no longer use. Side imaging, mapping, touch screen, forward facing sonar compatible. Pm if interested.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18947

    A bird would sync with your Terrova if that’s an important factor.

    If you’ve been using a Lowrance for that long, switching might introduce a new learning curve. So you might want to stick with the operating system you’ve used for 20+ years. That’s the reason I’ve continued to use a Lowrance myself – long term familiarity.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22264

    I run lowrance hds 12s and really like them. I really liked my garmins as well but sold them and kept the hds units. I wanted to get a helix to pair with my terrova, but after fishing with a buddy and the follow the contour thing was pretty lame. I can do a better job by hand. And these days you can do that off your phone.
    I’d look on fb market place for a lightly used model. New prices are lame and lightly used is always a great discount.

    Harris, MN
    Posts: 1404

    Thanks for the responses fellas. I’ve always been kinda biased towards Humminbird but like the Lowrance units these days as well. I’m not hell bent on linking to the terrova although I could see it being a nice feature.

    Is chart plotting as nice as it sounds? do you really gain that much more than, say, a lake master chip?

    Charlie, PM Sent

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22264

    Thanks for the responses fellas. I’ve always been kinda biased towards Humminbird but like the Lowrance units these days as well. I’m not hell bent on linking to the terrova although I could see it being a nice feature.

    Is chart plotting as nice as it sounds? do you really gain that much more than, say, a lake master chip?

    Charlie, PM Sent

    I just upgraded my lowrance with a c map card and I don’t see any differences looking over them to my one boat network or what ever my hummingbird map is on the app. Personally I go with what ever is priced right. This day and age the garmins have the best prices both new and used. The lowrance hds used seem like great prices. And hummingbird used prices are really high from a browse on fb.
    As far as learning how to use each one, takes a day of playing with it to figure them out, so that shouldn’t be a determining factor.
    I pilot can be linked to your phone and the one boat network if you really feel the need to run contour lines. But I’ve noticed where the contour lines take hard turns your boat will try to follow that and can cause headaches. So I never really do that, I’d rather run it my self with the remote on my neck.

    Joe Jarl
    SW Wright County
    Posts: 2270

    I’d say if you don’t plan to go with a live system anytime soon then mapping and side imaging are probably the most important features. I haven’t personally used follow the contour but similar to BC’s comments I’ve heard that it doesn’t always work as well as you’d hope. If you fish smaller lakes that haven’t been thoroughly mapped, the charting is handy. I have a couple local lakes that I’ve mapped structure on and it is very helpful. As far as HB/lakemaster goes, I mentioned it in another thread, but I think lakemaster has much better maps generally speaking. The exception to that would be smaller lakes that they haven’t surveyed yet. Then it seems navionics has the edge. IMO, if you don’t plan a live system I’d go with a gen 3 Helix 10 with mega side imaging. Should be able to find one under a grand on FB market.

    Harris, MN
    Posts: 1404

    With Humminbird, what is the difference between a Helix and a Solix?

    Posts: 2059

    Get 2 used units – 10 inch minimum . SI for one , gps for the other . Helix’s are good units but if you ever want to get live go garmin. I’ll never own a boat without 2 graphs on the dash. I picked up a used helix 10 over 2 years ago for 400 bucks and it’s been flawless.

    Posts: 2059

    With Humminbird, what is the difference between a Helix and a Solix?

    Solix is touch screen . Maybe some other fancy software.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9062

    Get 2 used units – 10 inch minimum . SI for one , gps for the other . Helix’s are good units but if you ever want to get live go garmin. I’ll never own a boat without 2 graphs on the dash. I picked up a used helix 10 over 2 years ago for 400 bucks and it’s been flawless.

    This x100

    I have solely a Helix 10 on the dash and have no reason to not add a second one other than being too lazy to go look for one.

    Used is a great option. Most guys take care of their stuff and it’s hard to really abuse a graph. Especially for mapping…in most instances having the latest generation is a waste of $.

    Side imaging has caught me more fish (or found me the right transitions I’m looking for) than any live imaging ever will on the river.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6787

    With Humminbird, what is the difference between a Helix and a Solix?

    I really don’t know much about them but the Solix is touch screen. I want to add a bird to run lake master and for the best side imaging but not sure I could handle going back from a touch screen at this point.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5253

    I love my Garmins but all of them are good. I think the screen resolution on the Solix units is amazing…hbird might have better SI than Garmin so I’d lean that way if I was you. Since you have the Terrova you have the option to use follow the contour.

    I agree SI is more important in most applications than FFS. I have livescope and rarely use it on open water. SI is a lot more efficient in finding fish.

    Harris, MN
    Posts: 1404

    Found what I believe to be a decent deal on two Helix Chirp 10’s, but they are Gen 2. Are updates an issue? What would be my limitations?

    I’m a lazy fisherman. Bobbers, Trolling, Lindy Riggin, etc. I don’t need follow the contour. I would like the SI for reasons already posted. I’d be using it to more or less get “Spot on the Spot”.

    OG Net_Man
    Posts: 876

    How old is you trolling motor? Does it even have I-pilot link capacity? The Terrova was introduced prior to I-Pilot link and even after I-Pilot Link was introduced it was offered at some point in time as a option.

    Posts: 664

    What ever way you go, dont assume your current wiring will work. Confirm it is 10/2 tinned marine grade, you can get some good stuff cheap on Amazon. Run the power to an inline fuse holder (7.5Amp) then to a switch near your battery. From the switch jump up to 6 gauge wire to a larger ring connector and connect that direct to your battery. You will alleviate a lot of problems down the line by wiring it all right one time.

    Joe Jarl
    SW Wright County
    Posts: 2270

    Found what I believe to be a decent deal on two Helix Chirp 10’s, but they are Gen 2. Are updates an issue? What would be my limitations?
    I would like the SI for reasons already posted.

    A Gen 2 would be just fine for 2D sonar and mapping. For the SI unit make sure it has mega SI or MSI in the model name. Updates are still available for all Helix’s. Older gens just haven’t been updated in quite some time.

    Harris, MN
    Posts: 1404

    Honest question, what do the Updates provide?

    Harris, MN
    Posts: 1404

    What ever way you go, dont assume your current wiring will work. Confirm it is 10/2 tinned marine grade, you can get some good stuff cheap on Amazon. Run the power to an inline fuse holder (7.5Amp) then to a switch near your battery. From the switch jump up to 6 gauge wire to a larger ring connector and connect that direct to your battery. You will alleviate a lot of problems down the line by wiring it all right one time.

    Everything will be re-run. Its a 1999 Lund Pro Sport 50th Anniversary Edition I bought from a co-worker a few years ago. Got rid of the old Powerdrive and bought a re-built Terrrova from a friend I go to Erie with for a great price.

    How old is you trolling motor? Does it even have I-pilot link capacity? The Terrova was introduced prior to I-Pilot link and even after I-Pilot Link was introduced it was offered at some point in time as a option.

    It does have I-pilot. All I use is spot lock, Cruise Control, &/or heading control. Not sure I even need to link them for that suff.

    Posts: 1233

    All good advice so far and it really comes down to personal preference for your style of fishing. I run 2 garmin and 1 helix to link to my TM. Like others said follow the contour is kind of overrated but if you have a long bar or made your own contour that is somewhat straight it works good for that. One feature I use a lot with my bird is cruise control. Depending on your terrova and remote it can be controlled from there otherwise it’s nice to control from the locator as well if linked.

    Wright County
    Posts: 3181

    All good advice so far and it really comes down to personal preference for your style of fishing. I run 2 garmin and 1 helix to link to my TM. Like others said follow the couture is kind of overrated but if you have a long bar or made your own couture that is somewhat straight it works good for that. One feature I use a lot with my bird is cruise control. Depending on your terrova and remote it can be controlled from there otherwise it’s nice to control from the locator as well if linked.

    Cruise control and auto pilot are chefs kiss

    Joe Jarl
    SW Wright County
    Posts: 2270

    Updates usually refine performance and sometimes add handy features. My guess is the older gen models have slower processors so at some point they just stop updating them.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22264

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Stanley wrote:</div>
    All good advice so far and it really comes down to personal preference for your style of fishing. I run 2 garmin and 1 helix to link to my TM. Like others said follow the couture is kind of overrated but if you have a long bar or made your own couture that is somewhat straight it works good for that. One feature I use a lot with my bird is cruise control. Depending on your terrova and remote it can be controlled from there otherwise it’s nice to control from the locator as well if linked.

    Cruise control and auto pilot are chefs kiss

    100 percent why I put a brand new terrova on my boat last season. Hurt the wallet but sure stepped my fishing game up.
    The drift mode on the new motor is awesome as well.

    Harris, MN
    Posts: 1404

    Updates usually refine performance and sometimes add handy features. My guess is the older gen models have slower processors so at some point they just stop updating them.

    So probably not critical for what I’m doing most days. Thanks!

    Posts: 633

    Cabelas/BP has Helix G4 MSI 10″ for 1199 and 9″ for 999. Those are pretty solid deals. It appears that includes the transducers but double check. Guessing Scheels would match that too.

    As far as the G2 models, they’ll be fine but you’re probably dealing with a little slower processor plus a unit that is probably 5 years old. Personally I wouldn’t pay more than 500 for a 10.”

    As far as updates, I’ve never noticed any differences when I update my helixes. I’m sure they have their benefits, just not for any features I use.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9062

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>IceNEyes1986 wrote:</div>
    Found what I believe to be a decent deal on two Helix Chirp 10’s, but they are Gen 2. Are updates an issue? What would be my limitations?
    I would like the SI for reasons already posted.

    A Gen 2 would be just fine for 2D sonar and mapping. For the SI unit make sure it has mega SI or MSI in the model name. Updates are still available for all Helix’s. Older gens just haven’t been updated in quite some time.


    I could be wrong and hopefully someone knows for sure, but to get the MEGA Side Imaging, I believe you have to get Gen 3?

    If I were you I’d find a Gen 3 with Mega Side Imaging used, and probably a Gen 2 for just mapping or 2D. I have bad eyes and would struggle to get much value out of anything smaller than the Helix 10 for side imaging. Mapping/2D I’d argue you could go down as low as a Helix 7 and be fine.

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