I had a bunch of free reclaimed lumber around so I got some 2X2X8′ and put together another box blind for the farm. I built it at home in my pole barn modular style so I could take the roof, walls and floor apart, put it on the trailer and bring to the farm.
My brothers helped install it Saturday morning. We got it up by noon with the help of the tracor, generator, air compressor and framing nailer. I used my ice auger with a crappy bit on it to drill the holes for the poles and that worked incredibly well, save a lot of time. Got it up, put trim on and installed the roofing and it is ready to go.
The poles were treated/soaked for a year in diesel fuel and waste oil. They should last for a while. After I took them out of the barrel I painted the rest of the poles and the support boards with the mix.