New Boat Motor choices

  • topdawg1817
    Posts: 29

    I am going to be ordering a new 1875 Lund Pro V soon and am wondering what everyones thought are on the 175 Verado motor. This is the motor that I am planning on putting on it. The other motor that I have thought about was the 150 4 stroke. What are the good and the bad of both motors.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17397

    Call Eddie Lybeck 320-676-3611 he is hands down the best Merc guy I have ever talked to. He will likely tell you go with the 150 but he will be able to tell you why. If you can wait until ice fishing slows, he gets really busy this time of year. He is a straight shooter.

    Daniel Turner
    Posts: 58

    Buy Yamaha. I like Mercury, but a Yami will always be on the back from now on.

    Elk River, MN
    Posts: 213

    I met Eddie yesterday and instantly liked the guy. I’m keeping my wheelhouse at his place on Mille Lacs this year.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17397

    Buy Yamaha. I like Mercury, but a Yami will always be on the back from now on.

    Why would you say something like that? In his post he said he wanted a Merc. Didn’t say the choice was between Merc or Yamaha or Honda.

    I don’t mean to rail on you personally but I just don’t understand when people ask about a specific product everybody jumps in with their 2 cents.

    OK, maybe I got up on the wrong side of the bed. frown Sorry.

    Lake Nebagamon Wisconsin
    Posts: 417

    Have an 1875 ProV – (2012) and a 200 Verado and a 9.9 Pro Kicker – great motors. Biggest problem is that when I go up to the bow to run the trolling motor I occasionally forget to shut off the Verado – it’s that quiet.
    bestfishes jim

    Posts: 1291

    Mercury 150 4-stroke is what I would go with,less to go wrong with it.Maybe easier/cheaper maintenance and more reliable?

    Posts: 491

    I have a friend that’s a guide in Grand Rapids who runs 175 Verados on the back of 2075 Pro Guides. He usually has around 1000 hours when he sells to rotate boats (every other year; he’s sponsored by a dealership). He hasn’t had any issues with the motors and has never struggled selling his rigs. I know there’s a lot of talk about the reliability of the superchargers on the Verados, but they’re not new and have been field tested now for over 10 years. In my opinion, the 150 is the untested/unproven model, though they may turn out to be bullet-proof as well.

    Harrisville, UT
    Posts: 2816

    Tradionally the 4 strokes weigh more. In this case the size difference might cancel that out but something you can look up nonetheless.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 105

    If I were to choose between these two motors I would go with the verado. It will have electric throttle control and in my opinion having the extra 25 horse power would be worth it. The turbo will give you near 2 cycle performance with the bonus of 4 cycle motor. The 150 would be a little slower and lack the low end torque of the 175. If you buy the 150 you will always wonder what the 175 would do if strapped to the back. Unless you buy a boat every few years in which the extra cost would not be worth it. Bottom line is what is your important to you; cost versus performance. Good luck on your new boat. I just picked one up myself.

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