New boat accessories

  • Anyfish2
    Posts: 136

    Had this same thought and conversaiton today…are both the drotto and steps “needed”. I understand one could say neither are needed. The drotto with a roller trailer is a no-brainer for me. The steps would be great when the boat is trailered, when else?

    I have the Drotto on my trailer, and love it, I would put on any boat I would by in the future. I do not yet have steps, however, many of my fishing companions do. I do feel I would love to have them. it is much easier and safer than climbing over the gunwale of the boat. it will be a purchase for me in the coming year/years.

    Posts: 781

    I’m keeping the drotto and the steps on the build out. Thank you.

    Posts: 2873

    Transom splash guards. The two big name companies that make them are whitecap and wave wackers. I have whitecap and they are nice and easy to install, plus they’re a local company.

    Posts: 3472

    Splash guard manufacturers in Minnesota: Whitecap in prior Lake, wave wackers in Hopkins and Walleye Masters in Miltona.

    South Metro
    Posts: 2116

    I have the Lund sport trak.
    Like the Ram mounts ( my rod holders ) better than the Lund mounts – easier to use in my opinion.
    A garbage can of some sort – hung a collapsible almost can cooler pouch I had next to my glovebox and cut the top off on Gatorade bottles and put it in there. When full I just throw the bottle away as the rubber/plastic lures are all stuck together anyway.
    I made a platform for my boat ( 2019 impact) that adds on behind the front seat so casting for anything is way easier with more room.
    I also copied the Lund side rod holder inserts and made my own for both sides. 12 rods under the windshield and 2-3 down each side.
    If interested I can send you pictures

    Posts: 781

    Added the walk through sport top (and drop down below windshield piece) and back/aft snap in cushions (for family on “lake” days”. I keep a 3 gallon bucket for garbage. Went with Ram rod holders that I’ll put on lund sport brackets. Also added two cisco sport track mounts for the Livescope Brew City pole.

    Posts: 1722

    A couple of downriggers would be nice.

    Posts: 781

    A couple of downriggers would be nice.

    Only time I’ve used downriggers in my life was ocean fishing in Alaska with a guide. That’s not a style of fishing the bodies of water I frequent offers much or or that I partake in.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6795

    I saw several people using downriggers trolling when on Vermillion last weekend. I thought it was more of a Great Lakes thing, but I guess it works and you don’t have to use leadcore.

    Posts: 589

    I saw several people using downriggers trolling when on Vermillion last weekend. I thought it was more of a Great Lakes thing, but I guess it works and you don’t have to use leadcore.

    Downrigging is a deadly technique for catching those walleyes when they are out in the mud. Way faster and more precise than lead core. If you do end up with them don’t put them on the brackets that go in the sport track slot thing, it’s just not sturdy enough.

    Posts: 24958

    Boat/Trailer has buckles.

    Are they the retractable ones that mount to the trailer? IF not, that was the best add on I have made was putting them on my trailer.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18991

    Yes, I believe that’s the correct terminolgy for the tie down straps that are mounted to the trailer.

    Not every trailer can utilize those however. You need space in a specific location on the back of the trailer to do it.

    Posts: 24958

    Boat buckles are the brand name yes but many people call the regular straps buckles because of how they work.

    The Sand Prairie
    Posts: 1846

    Toilet paper in a Ziploc bag smash

    Posts: 2071

    Toilet paper in a Ziploc bag smash

    Might be one of the best suggestions . Came home sockless from Pepin one time . Never again

    Posts: 781

    Toilet paper in a Ziploc bag smash

    Didn’t see that one on the dealer availability listings :).

    South Metro
    Posts: 2116

    I also have the TP PLUS biodegradable wipes with it.
    My son wanted to just hang off the ladder in back and poop as we moved forward – yeah, like that was gonna happen. Dropped him off on the rocks ( we were up in Ontario on Rainy) and told him to find an appropriate spot and I would be in that bay til he was done.

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