New Auger Debate

  • TripleA
    Posts: 655

    Hey all. I will be purchasing a new auger this weekend. I am stuck contemplating what to get, all are going to be of the 8″ variety… I have narrowed it down but have a few questions. I am deciding between the Lazer PRO or the Honda Lite. I believe the IDO staff use the Honda Lite? I am not sure about the 3HP PRO weight, its stated on the strikemaster site it weighs in at 25#, which is the same weight as the lazer mag (2.5hp)? Also Does anyone have first hand experience on the difference in cutting speed between the two? I plan to drill a lot of holes, and move a lot, so weight is a concern but if its only 2# total difference then I will not consider it big enough to give up longevity and performance. I understand the 4 stroke advantage of not having to mix gas and oil, but its not important to me. I guess I am asking why I should spend more for the Lite? THANKS for any input!

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 364

    I have the Lazer Mag and like it. I haven’t used either the Pro or Honda but I imagine the Pro will cut holes faster as well as be louder and require mixed fuel. If you don’t mind either of those it is probably the right fit. If you prefer ease of use with no gas mixing and a quieter but slower cutting engine the Honda would be best.

    I personally use less than a 1/2 gallon a year so I don’t mind mixing gas but a quieter auger would be nice.

    Posts: 169

    I have a one year old Lazer Mag 8″, I fish with two guys that have the Honda and Pro all 8″ and within a few years old. The Lazer Mag and Honda are pretty much identical in cutting speed, 24″ of ice. With the Lazer Pro being quite a bit faster. The Lazer Pro just has a higher RPM I think. I went with the Mag for a longer life span, and the price was right. Any of those are augers are really nice, depends on your wallet.

    Will Roseberg
    Hanover, MN
    Posts: 2121

    I’ve got both and 90% of the time I just bring my Honda. The main reasons I prefer it are that it doesn’t require mixed fuel and that it’s quiet. Too many years of no hearing protection running saws and tractors on the farm and I’ve got tinnitus pretty bad in my left ear so I always had to wear ear plugs with a 2-stroke auger. With the Honda I don’t need to. You’ll also be amazed at how easily it pulls… I almost ripped the cord right off the auger in front of everyone at ICE FORCE day 2 years ago the first time I tried it, they all thought it was pretty funny.

    As far as cutting speed as long as you’ve got good sharp blades the Honda will actually hold its own nicely for an 8″ hole. When I want to punch 10″ holes that’s when the Lazer Pro comes out.

    Hope that helps.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    I got the 10″ lazer pro last year. Can’t tell you how many holes I drilled, but I did go through about 8 gallons of gas. FAST! Was very pleased with the easy start and how fast I sliced through 24+inches of ice. The only negative was the fuel line. No retaining device on the prime bulb and it frequently popped off. Put a small tywrap on it and no issues. Over all very pleased.

    Posts: 229

    I have the same auger as Randy, I also had the fuel line pop off a few times. This auger does drink fuel, I guess if your drilling a butt load of holes buy the pro for sure as it cuts like a hot knike throught butter.

    Posts: 655

    Thanks for the replies! last one- Any thoughts on the reliability of the Honda Lite’s, or any known common issues?

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    My son in law and I fished a lot together last year and he has the laser Pro and I have the Honda. We popped holes side by side and sure the LaserPro cut a little bit faster and it was a little bit louder, my Honda was a little slower but it was quite a bit quieter. So I think it’s a toss up… Depending on what you want, if you’re looking for a quiet smooth running machine… go with the Honda 4 stroke…
    If you’re looking for a little bit more speed and competition sounding motor go with the laser pro.
    Both are Great Machines !!

    Andy Fiolka
    Boise, Idaho
    Posts: 543

    The 2.5 Solo Lazer is my auger of choice. Smooth, easy starting, and run like a top. On my 3rd one and have never had a single issue with any of them.

    Justin Radel
    Posts: 83

    I have the honda lite and as far as reliability, it is a dream. I just do typical maintenance on it at the end of the season and have never had a problem those little hondas are pretty much bullet proof.

    Posts: 2218

    Has anyone ever seen a Tanaka head hooked up to a Lazer drill? I thought I seen one of these once?

    Posts: 25

    I’ve run that setup for years, my old Tanaka 262 and the 6″ or my 8″ Lazer. Starts easy, cuts fast, plenty power for thick ice. I use Saber oil for the mix, never have had a problem starting or running all day.

    Will Roseberg
    Hanover, MN
    Posts: 2121

    Thanks for the replies! last one- Any thoughts on the reliability of the Honda Lite’s, or any known common issues?

    The only issues I’ve ever heard of were caused by operator error, either not letting the auger warm up or using the wrong oil. Being a 4-stroke engine you’re going to need to give it a minute or two to let it warm up for the oil to properly lubricate the engine. Not that you shouldn’t also do that with a 2-stroke, but with a 4-stroke it’s critical not to pick up the auger and give it the screws without letting it idle a bit. When I get to a spot I pull the auger out first and start it immediately then set it down and let it run while I get everything else ready to fish.

    I would also recommend using the Strikemaster oil as anything thicker could also result in poor engine lubrication.


    Posts: 216

    I have been running the Lazer Pro for the last 3 years and I absolutely love it. The auger has a lot of power and torque, so one is able to drill a ton of holes in a short period of time. I mainly fish panfish, so I actually ended up swapping the 8″ bit out for a 6″ bit and wow does it chew through the ice! I don’t mind the mixing of gas and oil because I usually mix it into a small gas tank at home and then carry that with on trips for refueling purposes (I drill a lot of holes). If I was given the opportunity, I would more than likely purchase the Lazer Pro again, but I wouldn’t mind testing out one of the new Honda Lites either because I have heard very good reviews from the individuals who ran them last season! waytogo

    Chris Raymond
    Keweenaw Peninsula, MI
    Posts: 514

    Has anyone ever seen a Tanaka head hooked up to a Lazer drill? I thought I seen one of these once?

    Has anyone ever seen a Tanaka head hooked up to a Lazer drill? I thought I seen one of these once?

    Some guys up in Canada run Tanakas (both 262s and 350s) with Lazer 10″ and are very pleased (350s are lower RPMS from what I’m told). Mine is attached to an 8″ Nils, weighing 22 pounds, and it runs like a rapped ape with very little fuel (mixed 100/1 with Amsoil Saber) consumption.

    Posts: 9189

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>riverruns wrote:</div>
    Has anyone ever seen a Tanaka head hooked up to a Lazer drill? I thought I seen one of these once?

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>riverruns wrote:</div>
    Has anyone ever seen a Tanaka head hooked up to a Lazer drill? I thought I seen one of these once?

    Some guys up in Canada run Tanakas (both 262s and 350s) with Lazer 10″ and are very pleased (350s are lower RPMS from what I’m told). Mine is attached to an 8″ Nils, weighing 22 pounds, and it runs like a rapped ape with very little fuel (mixed 100/1 with Amsoil Saber) consumption.

    I picked up a Tanaka 350 this summer and have a 10″ and 8″ Strikemaster 224 to put on it. The real test won’t be until mid-February and later when the ice gets over 2′. I picked up the Tanaka because of how smooth and quiet they are, that and I expect at least 20 problem free years out of it.

    Posts: 655

    Thanks all. I went with the Honda. $510… fair I think. Got it from Joes sporting goods at the blaine expo Friday night. Now I just need safe ice!

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