New ATV suggestions

  • sticker
    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    I had a choice on my last machine and I chose without EPS. I dont care for it for the same reason most people want it. Disconnect with the road. I prefer to feel the ride through the handlebars, feet and seat. And frankly on a small machine like a quad manual steering is not a big deal and certainly not worth spending money on to me. However that may because of the type of riding we do and the fact we have a super awesome Kawasaki Brute Force’s with very easy manual steering.

    Exactly!!! I wouldn’t spend a dime extra for it, in fact I wouldn’t buy a machine with it on it…even if the price was the same as without!

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    I can see both ways for wanting and not wanting power steering. I currently do not have it on any of my 3 ATV’s, but I really liked it on my last Can-Am. My next machine will be another SXS, which is 100% a requirement in my books.

    Sliding into hard ruts without it can cause the machine to jerk the bars, which has given me some seriously nasty bruises on my thighs. But if someone is using it more for utility and less for hard trail riding, I can see why you would not want it. Even on smooth groomed trails, it isn’t really a requirement, just nice.

    sw Mn.
    Posts: 418

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>suzuki wrote:</div>
    I had a choice on my last machine and I chose without EPS. I dont care for it for the same reason most people want it. Disconnect with the road. I prefer to feel the ride through the handlebars, feet and seat. And frankly on a small machine like a quad manual steering is not a big deal and certainly not worth spending money on to me. However that may because of the type of riding we do and the fact we have a super awesome Kawasaki Brute Force’s with very easy manual steering.

    Exactly!!! I wouldn’t spend a dime extra for it, in fact I wouldn’t buy a machine with it on it…even if the price was the same as without!

    If you think you will ever put tracks on for snow or ice fishing. I think eps is a must.

    Dayton, MN
    Posts: 742

    Not sure what kind of riding you do, but I would take EPS all day long. I don’t need to feel the ride through the handlebars (or the seat for that matter) but to each their own…we ride hard and I am just fine riding in comfort…..especially after 100 miles of winding trails, rocks, bumps. There is a significant difference between handling a heavy non EPS machine and EPS machine, but that was comparing an 05′ Sportsman 500 non-EPS to a 17′ 850 EPS. No way would I want to have the steering of the 500 all day long….I rode those machine back to back two weekends ago to see the different….and it was night and day.

    Maybe some of the ‘better’ brands have a lot lighter/easier steering without EPS…..but I would not know. Of all the Polaris/Can-Am’s/Yamaha in the group we ride with, every one of the machines has EPS (probably 12-14 in total). Re-sale will likely be easier as well if that’s any concern.

    Posts: 175

    Can-Am outlander without question.

    have a 2002 330, that has been beaten into the ground, twice. Family of 5 used for ice fishing, trail riding, towing, plowing heavily. I think we had to replace some tires and brakes and thats about it. over 9,000 miles and over 1400 hours.

    Just upgrade to a brand new 570 and can’t wait to put this one through the ringer. Keeping the old 330 around to see how long it will actually continue to endure the pain.

    Can’t go wrong with Ski-Doo or Can-Am.

    Posts: 5139

    Mine doesn’t have power steering and have never had a situation where it was needed. Less stuff to break, less expensive, less maintenance. Was a no brainer for me. Unless I had a bad back or shoulders I’d never have the need to get it.

    I’ve been on day long rides and never been sore because of no power steering.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19028

    Sliding into hard ruts without it can cause the machine to jerk the bars, which has given me some seriously nasty bruises on my thighs. But if someone is using it more for utility and less for hard trail riding, I can see why you would not want it. Even on smooth groomed trails, it isn’t really a requirement, just nice.

    Maybe if you didnt drive like a maniac this wouldn’t happen? BTW I am expecting you to drive like a maniac along with me this summer in Sconny!! devil

    east bethel
    Posts: 436

    Ok, I think I’m going to try and get some pricing done on a Yamaha 700 Kodiak with ESP.

    You won’t be disappointed. The yak has the same motor as the grizzly. The only difference is the clutch weights. The grizzly has a more aggressive take off. The yak is quite a bit cheaper.
    The only thing I wish I would had f3om the start is front diff lock. Although they do make a great aftermarket kit for that also.
    Good luck! Let us know what ya decided On! waytogo

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11105

    The dif lock is AWESOME.
    Saved my behind quite a few times, especially when plowing.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19028

    There’s a Yami dealer near our cabin and every time my wife and I go there for other stuff we comment on how sharp their quads look. Really good looking and great reputation machines.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19028


    Chad Leton
    Posts: 54

    Love my ’16 Yamaha Kodiak 700 EPS as well! From ice fishing to plowing the driveway. I’ve been beyond satisfied with the machine itself. I’m also high on the dealer I work with in SE Wisconsin.

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 2080

    Ok, best price so far has been 9520 out the door with a winch and cargo box. Motoprimo in Lakeville. What dealer was that in sconny?

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    Did I just read “best price” and “Motoprimo” in the same sentence? They musta realized their pricing strategy hasn’t worked for them in the past…

    I would take that price and call Cannon Power or Century Power and see what they can do. Who knows, Motoprimo could have changed but they were almost $1,000 more on my 2014 Sportsman 570 EPS versus Cannon Power.

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 2080

    Interesting, thanks for the tip. I’ll call.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11105

    Bought my Griz at Moto Primo a couple years ago. They actually had a better price than Cannon.

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 2080

    So far, Motoprimo is beating Heinen’s, Century and Tousley….any others I’m missing? Waiting on a call back from Canon.

    Posts: 5139

    Did I just read “best price” and “Motoprimo” in the same sentence? They musta realized their pricing strategy hasn’t worked for them in the past…

    LOL! I agree, they lost me as a customer when they had no price tags on their machines. Shouldn’t have to find a sales guy to get that info.

    Posts: 5139

    So far, Motoprimo is beating Heinen’s, Century and Tousley….any others I’m missing? Waiting on a call back from Canon.

    What machine are you looking at?

    east bethel
    Posts: 436

    They used to be carousel motorsports now called Davis. This is where I bought my machine. Hope this helps ya!

    Southern WI
    Posts: 1534

    I got my Kodiak 700 EPS Camo at Mukwanago Yamaha, cheaper than anyone within 200 miles by at least $800. Bad part for you is its near Milwaukee

    Blaine, Minnesota
    Posts: 85

    I believe Yamaha and can am are the best, but I couldn’t see paying such a high price for a slight bit better reliability.
    I just picked up a 2016 Polaris 570sp with 52 miles for about half the cost of the new Yamaha your looking at. Then I purchased an extended warrantee for 4 years for $389 to ease my mind. This is my 4th Polaris and I’ve had good luck with all of them. Can’t say the same about a 2009 750 Suzuki king quad.

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    Motoprimo has beaten everyone.

    That’s good to hear! I’ve gotten Honda parts from them for years for my machines and they’ve always been helpful. ATV parts from most all mfg’s are pretty set in stone for pricing, so I’ve never had an issue. I may have to swing in when I’m ready for a new machine and see what they can do. Glad they relaxed a bit on their new machine pricing strategy…

    Kris Berg
    Posts: 106

    Bee-Line Yamaha in St. Joseph, MN

    Posts: 19588

    you can find left over 2017/2018 Kodiak/Grizzly models at most dealers that will get you a good price for them to get it off the floor.

    You can’t go wrong with Yamaha, they haven’t changed much with their quad design the last 10 years or so, that’s because there’s not much to improve…they are bulletproof…you can get a striped down Kodiak 700 for around $6,000

    I own a 2016 Grizzly 700 SE I use for Ice Fishing and work at the cabin, love it!

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1764

    2016 Grizzly power steering love it ! Not a trail rider at all use it on the 40 and a little cruising the ride is nice, seat is a bit taller than the kodiak ,you sit more upright.700 has some snort! And reliable .

    Posts: 959

    Yamaha Viking …….it’s one I’d buy again for sure.

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