Great suggestions, here’s some feedback.
1. Buy a 2nd transducer – yes this will work but at some point I have to stop throwing money at this boat. It gets used about 10 times a year for a few hours a shot. Think I hit my limit on how much money to put into this boat.
2. Partial functionality – I have a 597 with di in place. The main upgrade here was to SI. Getting 50% functionality seems like a poor return on investment.
3. Trim the motor – very possible and the right cost. Just not sure how much that will impact my boat control. This is the one I’ve been debating overnight.
4. Bow mount – I have a PD v2 up front but it’s very rarely deployed.
5. Upgrade to tilt/trim – not worth the cash.
6. Clamp on mount – this one is pretty neat. I hadn’t thought of this. This is pretty neat. I’ll ponder this one.
6.a – 2nd transducer – originally was planning on keeping my 597 if I can find space to mount the head units.
Think I’m at #3, #6, or cutting my losses and selling the unit.
For reference here’s some pics of what I’m working with. The first two are when I go it two years ago. I’ve done a bunch of work but the notable things for this discussion is adding a bow mount tm and the Hbird 597ci hd di. The shot from the transom is current, just from the other side.
Probably rhetorical questions – when is it too much time and money to put into an 1988 14ft boat? When is it time to redirecting the money to a boat upgrade?

