New 2018 WX 2060 Coming Soon / Sneak Peek

  • gregl2017
    Posts: 242

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>gregl2017 wrote:</div>
    Hey Dean,

    Are you allowed to talk about the “Center Rod Storage Box with mega Rod Tubes”?

    I’m curious is this like the other manufactures now that have rod tubes for individual rods?

    No individual rod tubes in our deep Vs. In the <em class=”ido-tag-em”>bass boats with tubes, most in the upper Midwest remove & easy to do.

    Great! Thanks Dean!..must be a typo or just a general listing of features in the flyer posted at the start of the thread )

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    Is the small rectangle on the bow carpet at the very front a removable panel for a recessed tray so you can use a cable drive trolling motor? If so, well done Skeeter! Cable steer ultrex is the future. I hope they also add rod holes in front of the consoles and rod straps on the front deck floor so you can lay your rods down flat on the bow floor like the Ranger 620 has.

    I like the direction they are going.

    Yes it has a front recessed foot pedal tray for the Ultrex. Rod holes you say…..Remember they are still tweaking this boat.

    1. 2018-2060-10.jpg

    Posts: 242

    I like that idea for rods at the bow AWESOME!

    Can you whisper in their ear to at least offer the fold up seats as an option, that would be fantastic!

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    Sorry Guys,
    I am not sold on the changes of this new look, the price hike doesn’t justify the lower grade electronics, lack of the bow rail that was standard or the 2 new speakers that replaced 4 plano tackle trays in the bow. That is where they are stating they gained bow room, narrower gunnels. The new 2060 looks more like a Ranger, just my opinion.

    Randy, no apologies needed! Last I knew none of us run the exact same boat,or fish the exact same way. Appreciate the input!

    Electronics, We delete and add the credit/ discount for the standard electronics. It is impossible for us to guess what everyone likes. That will be on a case by case basis.

    Also, a reminder, this is not necessarily the final product fyi…

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    Seat posts on the back deck?
    The current model doesn’t have seat posts on the back deck either like the mx series that does have 2.

    I like the flexibility to have ski pole if one chooses, one thing mine currently doesn’t have and will be added soon. Family day put it in and pull the kids. Fishing day, out it goes.

    I also see that the cluster buttons in the cockpit have changed. I’d like to see a close up of those changes. )

    The middle seat, well thats not for me personally. I really like the jump seats to keep the back deck clean/more room available if taking 4 people.
    Getting those passengers wet depends on whose sitting back there.
    If you don’t want to get them sprayed, adjust the tabs.
    If you do want to get them wet its all the more fun. Right Erick…..

    Radio! Yes with 4 speakers! Double thumbs up there.

    Will the jump seats be available as an add?
    If you have any additional pictures of the new button cluster would be great.

    Skeeter, making a great boat better

    Mr Ritter, not everyone knows the benefits of trim tabs yet like you do! Trim Tabs will be offered as a option from Skeeter tentatively for this model !

    Jump seats, perhaps I am wrong ? The benefit is extra seating for 2 people without having to add fishing chairs tying up the valuable floor space. Is that correct?
    You still accomplish the same thing on rear deck. I think we all can agree that the storeage under the jump seats isn’t the handiest, or is big enough. Mr Ritter, I have seen your crankbait inventory ! It will be interesting to get everyones feedback after seeing & driving it in person !!!

    Posts: 932

    Might be nice if the rear seat had a folding backrest rather than a separate one. Just seems like one more thing to store. As HRG stated different grab handles. Maybe intagrated in the seat base.

    Eastern Montana
    Posts: 15

    Do you think it would be possible to retro-fit those rod cubbies to a previous model WX.

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    Do you think it would be possible to retro-fit those rod cubbies to a previous model WX.

    Possible? Yes, most anything is possible pending which model and year. I am not prepared to tell anyone to do it at this point. Obviously every console is not built the same in regards to the overall structure and inside clearance.

    Jami Ritter
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 3066

    Thank you for the picture Cal.
    MTRanger, I was thinking the same thing. I’ll be looking at mine this weekend in preparation for doing that exact same setup.

    Dean, I’ve been preaching the trim tab benefits and showing anyone/everyone that will listen )

    And you are correct, the ability to seat 2 additional in the back without taking up floor space with the fishing chairs. For me, the security of having adults/older kids kind of being secured in the jump seats with the sides of the boat holding them in place while running. The storage under the jump seats wasn’t beneficial to me. So i repurposed it. But i don’t have any pictures to post at this time.

    My crankbait inventory isn’t nearly big enough Dean.

    I’m really looking forward to seeing/running this new model.


    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    Current WX2060 plano storeage shots.
    3 3600 under each jump seat.
    2 3600 each side of the bow.

    Total 10 3600 planos.

    1. IMG_3026.jpg

    2. IMG_3025.jpg

    3. image1.jpg

    Eastern Montana
    Posts: 15

    MTRanger, I was thinking the same thing. I’ll be looking at mine this weekend in preparation for doing that exact same setup.

    After taking a closer look at the picture provided by Cal. I notice the new consoles have an angled section, and My 2016 WX 2060 is pretty much straight. I think I will have to get some HDPE or something similar so I can built an angled bushing to go behind the flange on the rod tube thing.

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    All new Wx2060 Plano Storage

    Empty,8 boxes high,15 flat and a max of 19 3700 planos in each rear compartment.
    Total of 38 3700 Planos in new WX2060
    Total of 10 3600 Planos in current WX2060.

    What is the math on that guys, percentage wise?

    1. 19-MAX.jpeg.jpg

    2. 8-High.jpeg.jpg

    3. 15-Flat.jpeg.jpg

    4. Empty-w-Floor.jpeg.jpg

    Posts: 242

    HOLY JUMPIN! That is a lot of storage!

    Ryan Feddersen
    Posts: 9

    As a taller guy i would like to see the front seat base back about 6″ going through the front of the rod storage. I don’t think you’d lose much storage as the door could stay the same length and horseshoe around the pedestal base. this is my only complaint in my 2190 that the seat is so far forward i feel cramped when fishing from the bow while seated.

    it could look like the picture attached.

    1. Move-the-front-seat-back.jpg

    Posts: 242

    I’m sad, these boats are almost $100,000 in Canada, by the time you add accessories UGH!!!!

    They are expensive in US as well but they are reachable, here in Canada 6 figures!! OUCH!!… Don’t even bother looking Rangers 120!!!! NUTZ!!

    I have a year to wait to order, maybe I’ll get lucky and our dollar will go back to par. I HOPE!!!

    Posts: 11

    I totally agree with Ryan. I am also tall, long legs and also feel pretty cramped fishing out of that seat. That being said its not a deal killer for me. I do not spend a lot of time up there. The other changes got me ready to trade. I wish they would have updated the 2190 also. Can’t wait to see one in person

    Andy Fiolka
    Boise, Idaho
    Posts: 543

    Take my money fellas!

    Bill Douglas
    Brookings, SD
    Posts: 22

    As a taller guy i would like to see the front seat base back about 6″ going through the front of the rod storage. I don’t think you’d lose much storage as the door could stay the same length and horseshoe around the pedestal base. this is my only complaint in my 2190 that the seat is so far forward i feel cramped when fishing from the bow while seated.

    it could look like the picture attached.

    I am only 5″7″ and the bow seat is too close for me while using the foot pad. Using the foot pad is my preference and it would have been a deal breaker for me if I had noticed it before buying the WX 2060 this spring. There is plenty of room to move the seat base back 6″ or so even if the rod locker cover needs to be shortened up.

    Posts: 44

    I myself completey agree. The front bow pedestal really needs to be pushed back 6″ minimum. It gets clumsy up front in any windy conditions with the lack of foot space.
    But, I love some of the new things Skeeter implemented into the 2060 and I hope they carry these changes into the 2190.
    I am a guide in ND. I run the 2190 Skeeter. Love the boat! It’s a fishing machine and stays glued to the water! But with some of the changes I see its going to be even nicer if these are added to the 2190. Excited to hear the future!

    Walleye 77
    Posts: 1

    Can we get a 100% on being able to use the ski pilon as a seat base for a fishing chair? The wife is not going to let me spend that type of money if her fishing deck is standing room only!!!

    Eric Rehberg
    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 3071

    Can we get a 100% on being able to use the ski pilon as a seat base for a fishing chair? The wife is not going to let me spend that type of money if her fishing deck is standing room only!!!

    The ski pylon base will not fit the standard seat pedestal. “IF” the boat already has the sky pylon installed (this is an option not standard equipment)you can replace the base with a standard seat base. Otherwise if it doesn’t have one already in there you can add one without much hassle.

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