New 12g slug gun

  • Bearcat89
    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22323

    The farmer I have become friends with has given myself and my son permission to shot gun hunt his land this year. I’m going to hand down my 870 to the boy so I’m in the market for a new slug gun. It will only be used for deer, maybe bear. I’m just starting to browse but I have the savage 212 in my eye, along with a red dot. Any one have this gun that can give me pros and cons or have any other suggestions that are reasonably priced ?

    SE MN
    Posts: 1509

    The 212 isn’t near as accurate as the 220. The 20 ga is a tack driver out to 200 yards. I have Nikon Prostaff BDC that really works well.
    12 GA. Slugs might be easier to find.

    Posts: 1719

    I have an old 512 Marlin. Ugliest gun I own. Looks like a chunk of gas pipe in a whittled 2×4. Leupold shotgun scope cost more than the gun. But super accurate. If I was to replace it, it would be with the 220 mentioned. For accuracy and less recoil. I will take the accuracy of a lighter slug hunting whitetails every time. I have the mentioned Pro Staff on my smoke pole. Heck of a scope. Unfortunately, not made anymore. The official statement, Nikon is backing out of the scope business due to new competition like Vortex. Unofficial word. They backed out due to the bunny huggers buying their binocs and spotting scopes pressure. Vortex sells a heck of a lot of binoculars!!!
    If I ever found a deal on one The Browning A-Bolt is a sweet slug gun. But not paying $1500 for 1 or 2 shots a year, when my old fencepost does the job so well.

    Posts: 156

    I’m not sure what evidence there is on the 212 not being as accurate as the 220 but I’ve heard the same thing. But I can’t complain about the 212. Sighted in for 2″ high at 100 yards, zero at 150, and 6″ drop at 200. Most groups touching at 100 yards and easily put 3 in a paper plate at 200. No it’s not a rifle but I’m much more confident with it than the slug barrel on an auto I was using before. I started hunting at a friends farm in slug country a few years ago. Everyone sits in the woods in tree stands and are mostly shooting bow range shots with whatever shotgun they have and mismatched slugs laying around. I said I’ll sit over a field since nobody else does. I raised some eyebrows at the farm with a 170 yard perfectly placed shot the first time using it. Last year my 12 year old shot her first deer with it using the Hornady SST ‘lite’ loads instead of the regular ones and she doesn’t feel it’s any different than her 20g trap recoil so that hasn’t been an issue practice shooting it.

    South East,Mn
    Posts: 91

    I have heard great things about the Savages also. After 15 years of slug guns, I bought a Remington 700 muzzleloader. It is amazing what muzzleloader can do now days, groups like a rifle.

    Posts: 1719

    I wouldn’t avoid the 212 based on accuracy. Don’t know if you lose a bunch. Shooting off hand or from a tree stand not sure you would realize a big difference. I hunt coal mine spoils, an hour from help. Limit my shots to 80 yards, standing still, broadside of quartering in with head turned. Spine shoot in the neck. From a wood box blind with a 2×6 windowsill and sandbag. I’ll take a half inch accuracy over 50 grains of lead. Usually results in a dead drop in their tracks. A 100-yard death run would result in needing a helicopter or sherpas to pack it out. Being 66 with a remanufactured knee. It’s a series of 45-degree muddy hills with a foot of water and 3′ of mud between each one. I’ve not bear hunted. Not sure if the 12 would be a benefit for black bear. I would x2 Hornady SST slugs. Very consistent and they don’t redesign the load every few years.

    Posts: 823

    I have a marlin 512 P and stevenoak describes it perfectly. It kicks like a Mule,(broke 2 nikons (both rated for slug guns) but delivers Winchester Supremes nearly identical each jerk of the trigger. (squeezing is nearly impossible because you know it’s going to kick your a$$) nice thing about it, is you only have to pull the trigger once when there’s deerhide in the Leupold 2×7. Still have it, but also purchased a Savage 220 which is a stellar performer also. I moved to SD so no longer really need either of them anymore.

    Posts: 1719

    Oh yeah, did I say the 512 kicks like a Marlin!!!! jester

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9092


    I have a cheap Mossberg too with a slug barrel that is pretty accurate at 100 yards if you’re wanting to save $$$ and aren’t making 200 yard shots.

    We can hunt rifle in Buffalo County where some of our land is, and shotgun only on the piece in Wabasha County. Regardless some of the best stands you couldn’t shoot beyond 60-70 yards if you wanted. Thick and steep = almost of our harvested trophy bucks over the years.

    Posts: 4802

    300 blackout pistol. Haven’t used a shotgun for many years

    1. 445D98EE-660D-452C-8522-DC0282662BAB-scaled.jpeg

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22323

    Never considered at 220 over 212. I haven’t put to much thought in to this besides I new people were saying good things about the 220 and 212. 12 gauge is really all I thought about.
    Personally I’m hoping to not even have to need it. Hoping the bow will be the beginning and ending of my season. But just in case I want a shot gun to have if I don’t get it done. I’m used to hunting pine city and using my .270, but if I want to hunt this property it’s 100 acres 1 Mile from home. It is 75 acres of crops and 30 of woods and swamps. So depending on situations I’ll both be looking over a field where I can shoot far or in the swamp where it’s 50 yard shots.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22323

    300 blackout pistol. Haven’t used a shotgun for many years

    No interest at all. I have 2 300 ar Plat forms. Want a bolt action shotgun for shotgun zone. If I was in rifle zone I still wouldn’t use it. Fun gun to shoot though. I have 0 desire to hunt with any of my ar platforms. Unless shooting yotes

    Tom schmitt
    Posts: 1046

    300 blackout pistol. Haven’t used a shotgun for many years

    Why does that look more like a rifle than a pistol?

    On the 20 gauge sabot argument, keep in mind the accuracy may go to 200 yards but the energy falls off much earlier.
    I would still stay with the 12.

    Wright County
    Posts: 3191

    Stick with the bow!

    Posts: 55

    Check St Croix Outdoors
    My brother picked up an 1100 that Todd put a fully rifled barrel and scope on and it easily shoots 200yds out. It’s heavy as hell but does it’s job.

    Tom schmitt
    Posts: 1046

    So it looks like all I need for a really good deer pistol is to have the gunsmith shorten my barrel on my deer rifle to 10-1/2”?

    Posts: 1671

    Have chucked a lot of slugs through a few different guns. Last year got a 220, haven’t shot at a deer with it yet but I’m confident when I do if it’s within 200 yards it’s a dead dear.

    1. 0CF3E4A1-EC94-47B6-9352-939B11041866.jpeg

    Posts: 4802

    So it looks like all I need for a really good deer pistol is to have the gunsmith shorten my barrel on my deer rifle to 10-1/2”?

    You should probably just learn the laws before you do something illegal like that

    Tom schmitt
    Posts: 1046

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Tom schmitt wrote:</div>
    So it looks like all I need for a really good deer pistol is to have the gunsmith shorten my barrel on my deer rifle to 10-1/2”?

    You should probably just learn the laws before you do something illegal like that

    I guess my point was a “pistol brace” sure looks like a buttstock, unless that picture was a little deceiving.

    Posts: 4802

    I guess my point was a “pistol brace” sure looks like a buttstock, unless that picture was a little deceiving.

    I don’t make the laws. But that is considered a stabilizer brace

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22323

    So that being considered a pistol is allowed in a shotgun only zone ?

    Tom schmitt
    Posts: 1046

    So that being considered a pistol is allowed in a shotgun only zone ?

    Yes it is and that is why it is so frustrating that the legislature won’t get rid of the slug zone.

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3299

    Buy a smokeless muzzleloader. Scope it and sight it for your 200 yard shat and never look back.

    I played with mine last Friday. This three shot was at 100 yards after switching from the 200 grain sight-in bullets for the 225 grain hunting bullets. Sighted at 100, this gun/bullet will print about 3” low at 200. Basically a point and shoot gun.

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    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22323

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Bearcat89 wrote:</div>
    So that being considered a pistol is allowed in a shotgun only zone ?


    Didn’t realize that. But I guess it still doesn’t peak my interest. But at least I know I have multiple options already at home

    Posts: 4802

    Didn’t realize that. But I guess it still doesn’t peak my interest. But at least I know I have multiple options already at home

    It must be originally registered as a pistol lower. If you take a lower from a rifle and slap a short upper on it then you just created a short barrel rifle which is a no no.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22323

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Bearcat89 wrote:</div>
    Didn’t realize that. But I guess it still doesn’t peak my interest. But at least I know I have multiple options already at home

    It must be originally registered as a pistol lower. If you take a lower from a rifle and slap a short upper on it then you just created a short barrel rifle which is a no no.

    Good to know. Thanks for the info. Was thinking I have a 15 inch barrel in the closet I could slap on and loose a fore grip and be golden. Then I remembered I don’t own any guns and they were lost in a boating accident lol

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