Networking issues

  • Full draw
    Posts: 1666

    I have 4 Humminbird Helix graphs networked together in my boat on a 5 port Ethernet switch.
    Console units are a Helix 10 MSI G3N and a Helix 10 MSI G2N. The G3N has a MSI transducer as well as a high speed 2D transducer Y cabled into it.
    On my bow I have a Helix 9 G3N MDI and a Helix 12 G4N MDI units.
    The helix 9 has a MDI transducer coming from the Terrova trolling motor. The Helix 12 is hooked up to 360 imagery transducer.
    For the past 3 years I have been able to share through the network 2D MSD and MSI to all graphs from the G3N. I have also been able to share 360 to all the graphs from the Helix 12. That still works flawlessly.

    For some reason the G2N and the helix 9 won’t read temp from the G3N but the helix 12 will.

    About a month ago this started to happen. None of the graphs will read 2D from the the G3N. They will read it for a couple seconds then lock up.
    Does anyone know why this is happening now all of a sudden? All graphs will share waypoints with one another and all graphs can receive the 360 signal from the Helix 12.

    For some reason ever since I bought the boat new the Helix 9 connected to the terrova will read depth for a minute or so and then it looses that signal as well.
    Does anyone know why this is going on?

    Hodag Hunter
    Northern Wisconsin
    Posts: 484

    Have you done a software update on all units lately? Don’t forget the I-Pilot Link software update too.

    Full draw
    Posts: 1666

    No I haven’t done any software updates.
    I have been thinking about that as well. However I keep coming back to this question.
    Why would updates fix this problem since it worked perfectly fine for the last 3 years?

    North Metro
    Posts: 1004

    I have 3 legacy units on my Pro V and I occasionally have a similar issue but mine is less than 50% of the time. In my network menu I can select from the networked temp sources from the 2 sources that I have so I always use transom temp first and then Terrova temp second, as one is always in the water and one isn’t.

    Dave Mulder
    Posts: 22

    I recently had a similar issue….Ended up being a bad transducer. Might be worth a check at your end.

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 1435

    Have you done a software update on all units lately? Don’t forget the I-Pilot Link software update too.

    I currently have a case id that humminbird is working on that showed up after I updated to 2.93. My units lose gps signal when I change my view screens. Uploaded a video to them last week and waiting for a response. Of course I always have the issue that they never heard of.

    Back to the original problem is there anything that you have changed since you noticed the problem. Also voltage/ground can cause funny things in electronics assuming your batteries are good?

    This sounds like a possible problem:
    I recently had a similar issue….Ended up being a bad transducer. Might be worth a check at your end.

    Full draw
    Posts: 1666

    I did change my battery so it could be something with a ground.

    Not sure how it could be transducer issue. I don’t loose 2D to the unit the transducer is hooked to. I just loose it in the network going to other units. The weird part is the unit that has the 2D transducer can receive 360 imagery through the network from a different unit.

    I can trouble shoot the transducer. I have a high speed epoxied to the hull that pulls the 2D for the unit.
    I could undo the Y cable and just hook in the 2D/DI/SI transducer and see if I get a signal that way through the network.

    Full draw
    Posts: 1666

    Ended up hitting restore defaults and everything started working right again.

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