too quiet

  • huntnrut
    Posts: 23

    There must be something going on somewhere in Nebraska because nobody’s talking. Where are the fish biting guys? To hot to go

    Omaha, NE
    Posts: 362

    Too hot, too busy, too far to travel from Omaha to get any action. Only success I hear of is Lake Sharp in SD.

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    Oh yes, there have been more than a couple people doing pretty well lately. Maybe it’s been too hot to type it up.

    mike means
    Posts: 88


    Oh yes, there have been more than a couple people doing pretty well lately. Maybe it’s been too hot to type it up.

    It’s not to hot it has just been a little busy. So hear you go: In the past few weeks I have fished both Francis Case and Lake Sharpe. Put in at Francis Case at Pease Creek and pulled plugs over the top of the trees. Caught most of our fishing running Lil and Big Ripper Reefrunners in the Wonderbread color.

    At Sharpe I went up to the West Bend area and caught fish running my lures on bottom in 12-22′ of water. The fish up there were really hitting #7 Firetiger and #5 Jointed Chartreusse and White Cranks.


    Central City, NE
    Posts: 358

    With these temperatures the mornings have been the only time to be on Sherman lately. We have been catching occasional walleyes trolling flicker shads in 20 fow. It is not hard telling where to work; just follow the nearest boat and they will join the pack soon.

    The whites can be caught; you just have to keep following them around. One day they are hot the next not so.

    Seems like this year has been one mayfly hatch after another. Hopefully that will soon end and the fishing may improve.

    So long from the mud hole as the water goes down and down and down. It has been nice having a full lake this summer; but it has made for some real difference in the fishing.

    Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148

    I feel really bad about my lack of paticipation on these forums this summer. Fishing for me has been really good all season, with the exception of tournaments. Hopfully the new boat tournament jinx gets out of the boat before next year. I’ve had a lot less computer time this year because of my new gig guiding. I’ve had several trips throughout the season and have been having a lot of fun putting people on some great fish. Also cutting into my computer time this year has been the seasonal camp site the wife and I have at Sherman. Every open weekend I’ve had has been spent there since Apr. 1st. My wife and I have been having the time of our lives fishing and hanging out at the lake this summer. I really miss writing reports and have been thinking about ways to get internet service rolling up at the camper.

    Fishing at Sherman the last few weeks has been really good for me. I’ve mainly been fishing the mornings when there and the trolling bites have really been improving. I loved seeing the lake so full through July but the water drop has finally come and I really love the trolling patterns that fall into place up there when the water finally leaves the shallow trees and weeds. As of today it looks to be down around 5.5 feet. I’m planning on heading up again this weekend and I’m really looking forward to seeing if some of the bigger eyes are finally starting to susspend in their usual haunts.

    I’ll post up a few pictures from the last month or two when I get to my home computer this evening.

    What has been keeping everyone else busy??

    Lincoln, Nebraska
    Posts: 120


    What has been keeping everyone else busy??

    Work and home remodeling. I haven’t been fishing in almost three weeks and have only been out 3 times since fathers day. I was hoping everyone was quiet because the fishing stunk, made me feel like I wasn’t missing anthing

    I am going tomorrow morning at 4:45 AM to Harlan, 3 generations will be in the boat, and my Dad hasn’t been there since I was a kid. Hopefully it is somewhat close to some of those days. I know one thing we will not be fishing all day.

    Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148

    As promised…. here’s some pictures from some recent guide trips this summer.

    Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148

    Here’s a few that were taken with friends and family….

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    Very nice, Ben! Looks like you’re gettin some water time in, always good.

    Holdrege, Ne
    Posts: 48

    Look at this guy last week out west.

    Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148

    B was telling me about that beast. Nice slimer Brian!!

    Posts: 23

    Nice fish Ben!
    I have not been out since NWA at Sherman. I think there is something wrong there. I wish I could say I work five days and fish two!

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    Or check out this guy with the nicest wiper of the day! Notice he DID buy the extreme net man too.

    Central City, NE
    Posts: 358

    Nice pics, Ben, and not as much snow in yours as there is in Brian’s. lol

    Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148

    Jorg – You gonna be around this evening?? I should be at the camper by 4:30 or so and plan on hitting the water for the evening bite. I have an open seat.

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    It was WAY too hot for snow the other day, Jorg.

    Central City, NE
    Posts: 358


    Jorg – You gonna be around this evening?? I should be at the camper by 4:30 or so and plan on hitting the water for the evening bite. I have an open seat.

    man I wish I had stayed home today to catch this Ben. The Crestliner andi should be on the water by 6:30 Saturday morning. Look forward to seeing you on the water.

    Central City, NE
    Posts: 358

    Yeh, Brian I heard that the ice went out of the Loup the other day. I will check it out wheni go over it to get to the cabin in the morning.

    The fall is coming; a few short weeks until football starts. Football and walleye pigs; nothing better.

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    Ya, well….whadya gonna do. I don’t mind the hot weather, but the snow seems to be nice from time to time too. Keeps people out of my spots, and keeps air in my tires, I figure. It’s not all bad.

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    You guys might be liking Ben’s pics, but you just wait until he posts again….you better be sittin down when you see this one!!

    Posts: 23

    Hopfully its not another carp

    Central City, NE
    Posts: 358

    I got to see it in person. No pics needed. It is a beast. We hooked one, we think, later and couldn’t stop it. Can’t wait for the pics though.

    On the Water
    Posts: 368

    Was it the 73# beast I heard that was caught up there!

    Central City, NE
    Posts: 358

    That would be it. A 55# was caught earlier in the morning.

    Posts: 23

    We need Pics Ben!!!!!

    Posts: 52

    We were also trolling for walleye at Sherman this weekend and hooked into a big one. We were using flicker shads with lead core. The thing hit on the rod with the planer board. Man it almost took the planer under like a bobber. I grabbed the rod to make sure it was not a snag and then handed it to my dad for the honors. We only had on 8# mono for the leader so we had to baby it to get it in.

    Not exactly what we were fishing for but it sure was fun. I saw Garver catching his. It looked like he got some extra help from another boat to get it landed what a pig!!!!

    Here is my dad with Catfish hunter LOL!!!

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    Nice one Lips! Looks like about a 25 or so?

    Lincoln, Ne
    Posts: 164

    Yeah Ben sent me pics right after he caught this beast of a flatty… makes the ones in the SE part of the state look small….

    Layne Monroe

    On the Water
    Posts: 368

    couple falls ago, that is all we could catch trolling for eyes! But then again, the lake looked like chocolate milk.

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