Thunder on the Loup!!!!!!! Who’s going???

  • Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148

    Thunder on the Loup!!!!

    The wife and I are heading to Sherman this weekend and after watching this video we will definately be making the drive over to Palmer Saturday afternoon to watch the races and maybe even go on one of the tour airboat rides!!!! Anyone else attending this event???

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    Seeing that really brings back some childhood memories, I had cousin that used to race them down in Alabama,They are some wicked machines with BIG engines on them,it would be fun to see them again.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3919

    I have no idea why anyone would ever want one of those things. I can only think of about 100 awesome adventures you could get into.
    Ben, I bet that will be a sweet tour. hope you have a blast, Mark

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    Wow, that is pretty awesome! I’ve been hearing the commercials, never really knew what it was all about. Does look like a ton of fun though! We need to get one of those beasts for the Platte!!

    Posts: 103

    That does look like a blast. B I do belive Noris Marshall has a couple of them.

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