Nebraska Fishing Pictures – Swanson

  • zachary fries
    Central Nebraska
    Posts: 1435

    First of all I am really sorry about the pictures. After I got out to McCook I realized that my wife had snagged my camera from me so all I had was my phone.

    The fishing was not lights out by any means but we were able ot get onto a few nice fish. The crappie had been fished pretty hard out at Swanson and after working on them for the better part of the morning and only bringing 9 desent ones up through the ice we moved out to a deeper berm to try our hand at some whites and wipers. An 1/8th ounce custom jigs & spins spoon and a half minnow worked pretty well for us and we ended up keeping 12 really nice whites, a fat 18″ walleye and 6 wipers that went better than 5 pounds.

    We had to work for our fish but it was a really fun day. Also, we pulled a big kitty out of Red Willow on Sunday. I would guess her to be 15-20 pounds.

    Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148

    Great pics Zach. Are you guys targeting the wipers specifically? Or do you just get them while fishing for crappies and walleyes? I fish a few lakes with decent wiper populations but have yet to land one on the ice. Just looking for some tips to get one landed.

    zachary fries
    Central Nebraska
    Posts: 1435

    We went out to the birm that we were fishing specifically targeting white bass and wipers. Is is a substantial underwater structure with access to deep water and an abundance off baitfish. And you know as well as I do that were there is bait, wipers are not far away. Now the walleye also use the birm so there is always a chance of hooking into a nice ‘eye, in fact there was a 28″er pulled out of the same area yesterday by Jeremys’ uncle

    You don’t have to wonder if you are going to hook into a wiper. They are in tightly bunched schools, just like in the fall, and the screen on your MarCum will just go red and you real your spoon up as fast as you can and It’s quite a fight to get a 5 pound wiper up through an ice hole with 2 pound test.

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