Nebraska Champs

  • fluff47
    NE Nebraska
    Posts: 164

    Just finished up the BASS Federation Nation Central Division tournament at Greers Ferry, AR. Nebraska lead day one by only ounces but day 2 jumped to a 25pound lead. We were able to hold that for day 3 and walk away with the the new Skeeter/Yamaha rig as first prize.

    One hot week with temps over 100 but kind’a cool to be part of the Centrial Division championship team.

    Posts: 1036

    Congrats – always enjoy seeing Husker champs!

    Was born in Lincoln in ’71 and my first photo was in a red blanket with a big white ‘N’ on it. Many will joke that the ‘N’ stands for knowledge but true Husker fans know that it’s for National Championships!!!

    Great Job!!!


    zachary fries
    Central Nebraska
    Posts: 1435

    CONGRATS Here’s To Nebraska

    Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148

    GO BIG RED! Congrats!

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12559

    Must not have been any Minnesota teams in it. Just kidding. Congrats !!!!!

    Lexington Ne
    Posts: 142

    So is your old boat for sale now?

    Holdrege, Ne
    Posts: 48

    Goooooooo Biggggggg Redddddddd

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