Landed Another BIG One

  • walleye4
    On the Water
    Posts: 368

    Baby Girl – 6#10oz – 18 1/2″ long

    Born today around 1:00pm

    Baby is in NICU due to not being able to breath very good on her own. She’s on a ventilator that we hope can be taken out in the next day or two. She is making good progress so far.

    Keep my little girl in your prayers!

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    Congrats our beautiful baby girl came out at 6lbs 8 ounces, she’s happy healty and hyper now (9 months now).

    I’ll keep you in our prayers.

    Grand Island Ne
    Posts: 175

    Congrats to You and the wife Greg.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Congrats to you and you’re s!

    Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148

    Congrats Greg! Another keeper.

    On the Water
    Posts: 368

    She is a great fighter! She is now off everything but an IV and she might lose it tomorrow if she eats well on her own. She is going to be a DADDY’S girl for sure. My voice is the only one that she will respond & open her eyes to. Mom is doing great too.


    Omaha, NE
    Posts: 33

    Great news! Congrats!

    Omaha, Ne
    Posts: 211

    Congrats, glad to hear everything is going good

    On the Water
    Posts: 368

    Mom is home now and Brooke gets to come home on Wed.

    On the Water
    Posts: 368

    Man, just when you think that everything is good it goes south in a hurry! Went to see my little girl today and when I walked around the corner, I see BRIGHT BLUE LIGHTS! Knew right away what that means. She has Jondis(sp) and now we are looking at the end of the week for her to come home.

    Hope things improve tomorrow!

    On the Water
    Posts: 368

    My little girl got to come home today! She is doing great and living the good life at home.

    Posts: 39

    Amen bro, glad to hear the girl is home and well. Now go have a day of fun and get back to work feeding that family of yours

    On the Water
    Posts: 368

    I am going back to work tomorrow! Hope to hit the water next weekend.

    Gretna, NE
    Posts: 136

    Congrats and I’m glad to hear she’s home now.

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