I spent a few hours on Willow Creek Sunday. I was hoping to find some wipers but no such luck. The boat traffic was terrible. It made it nearly impossible to fish. But, I expected that on a sunny Sunday afternoon. I did manage a couple of 15-16 inch walleye and a 3-pound channel cat. The cat came on a crank bait I was throwing for bass. I pasued at the top of a creek bed and it hit like a bass. Goofy cats! The two walleye came on #7 flicker shads trolled in 15-20 FOW with about 150 feet of line out. Trolling speed was 2.5 – 2.8 MPH. Like I said the boat and jet ski traffic made fishing very difficult. I wasn’t able to be there in the morning but I’m sure that would have improved the fishing and I may have been able to get into the wipers too. I had my daughter with me. She enjoyed some time at the swimming beach. It’s a good place to take the kids.
August 6, 2007 at 3:48 pm