Davis Creek Report

  • hunter_aug
    Holdrege, Ne
    Posts: 48

    I went out last saterday night and all of sunday.
    We set out the lights at night just to see what would happen and to my suprise the action was fast but not for white bass or walleyes. I must of been in the catfish hole. They were hitting leeches and nightcrawlers. I caught four fish between 8-12lbs in two hours with a couple 4-5lbs mixed in. It was a blast but not what I was looking for.

    Sunday I tryed everything trolling, Slip floats in the trees, and drifting humps with little success. No walleyes
    But towards the evening stated picking up a good number of white bass trolling.

    Posts: 123

    That is such a cool lake, but I just do not have ANY mojo over there. I have tried several times to only come up with nada. Congrats on the cats though. Was there anyone else fishing there at night, or during the day either? Sherm

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    Great report, Chris.

    I’ve only been to that lake twice…..still lookin for my first fish!!

    Lincoln, Ne
    Posts: 164

    Great report…. I have never fished there but have always wanted to go and try after some of the good things I have heard about it.

    Layne Monroe

    Central City, NE
    Posts: 358

    Davis Creek is definitely a boom or bust lake. You feel like you have it all figured out and just get kicked hard the next time that you go to her. It is fun and not far from Sherman or Calamus; so you can just pack-up and leave when frustration sets in.

    Good fishin’

    Holdrege, Ne
    Posts: 48

    Sherm their was two others boats night fishing near me, one boat was to busy partying to catch a fish! The other boat landed a couple of cats too.

    During the day their was quit a few boats on the lake, but only 10 of them might of been fishing. A few guys I talked to caught some white bass trolling too; but the bass were small.

    Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148

    I’ve caught some nice eyes up there a couple of times. Other trips we didn’t fair so well either and headed over to Sherman.

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