Night Bite At MAC?

  • hunter_aug
    Holdrege, Ne
    Posts: 48

    I was wondering if anyone has set out lights at night on big mac for walleyes and wipers? With years of succsess at Elwood and rumors of big fish out west I would like to go to MAC and try it. Any info would be benaficail, thanks.

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    Bout time you signed up on here, Chris! Welcome!!

    I’m assuming this is the well-drillin Chris?

    I haven’t heard anything about the night bite out there….but I’ve heard lots of other good things during the day.

    Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148

    Welcome Chris!

    Lincoln, Ne
    Posts: 164

    Welcome to the forum Chris!

    Layne Monroe

    Central City, NE
    Posts: 358

    Welcome!!! Best board around.

    Don’t know about the bite at Mac but there were 37 boats out in front of our cabin at Sherman this past Saturday night.

    Good fishin’

    Holdrege, Ne
    Posts: 48

    Thsnx for the warm welcome guys . I have probly visited the site 50 times it is probly time to share some info!!!!! Bryan this is well driller chris. Now back to mac, With tomich saying he didn’t see any big schools of bait fish in open water two weeks ago you would think they would start swarming the rocks any day now and I’ve never caught a 10lb walleye or wiper and would like to get a good picture holding a couple in my hands. 7lb and 9lb but no tens.

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    Great to have you here, Chris!

    At least you got some 7s and 9s….I’ve never caught a 9, an the way this month has gone, I never will.

    Holdrege, Ne
    Posts: 48

    It must be the big boat bryan. Scares to many fish.
    If you want to trade let me know

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