NE GTG – Stop Talking and Start Doing

  • zachary fries
    Central Nebraska
    Posts: 1435

    We have talked about getting something together but we haven’t set anything. I have been thinking about it a lot and here is my recommendation:

    8/2 – 8/5 McCook Nebraska IDA Get-Together

    McCook offers a nice amount of hotel rooms, eating places, drinking places and Wal-Mart. You have a number of really nice fisheries with-in a short drive. Red Willow – 10 miles, Swanson – 22 miles, Harry Strunk – 25 miles and Enders – 50 miles. All have very healthy populations of fish including white bass, crappie, walleye, catfish and some GREAT wiper numbers.

    This is what I have came up with. If you have a better idea throw it out. If you have additions, add them on. Let’s figure something out so we aren’t sitting here in July trying to piece something together in a rush.

    Posts: 701

    That would be a great location. I have a different commitment but don’t hold up for me.

    Grand Island Ne
    Posts: 175

    Dont know how I missed this I just posted the ? Boy do I feel stupid McCook sounds good to me I have not been that way in a while the dates dont really matter on my part so what ever works for everyone eles,

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    Damn man….I’m in a wedding that weekend. DAMN!

    zachary fries
    Central Nebraska
    Posts: 1435

    I was really starting to wonder if this thread was only showing up on my computer and nobody elses

    I like the Lewis and Clark idea but it brings up the same point as Wade made about going west, only you may loose people from the west if we have it that far northeast. I for one say, if you want to go and be part of a GTG, you will go, wherever it is. Heck, Ben and I drove all the way to central MN for a GTG

    I would love to see a few more ideas thrown into the hat so we can weight the pros and cons of each and make a decision before June 1st.

    Ben, do you have anything that you want to add or any ideas that you may have. We were part of a well put together GTG already and I think that we should try to incorporate some of the events that we were part of up there as well as ad some NE flavor to the mix.

    Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148

    It is a ways west. I have another trip out to Mac the following weekend. I think Harlan might not be a bad location either. Good populations of eyes, wipers, whites, and cats. Also it is a Corp. lake. We could do a little night fishing under the lights and have a few . They have cabins and camp sites all together to meet everyones needs. We could all get together at the Beach Bar one evening too.

    them thar hills, SW Nebraska
    Posts: 173

    You must have read my mind. I Do love to fish red willow, but with location concerns I would have to agree on Harlan. There might even still be water in it by then with the inflow they are getting.
    Just my .02 though


    zachary fries
    Central Nebraska
    Posts: 1435

    I just figured we would leave our boats out there

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