Well a couple of buddies, myself and my kids decided to brave the weather and take a camping/ fishing trip this weekend. We left Thurs evening and got to the lake. Promptly set up camp and gopt the campfire started. Myself having never been to the lake before took off to see what I could see on the electronics. Man I love my 27c. There was not a contour map for the lake on my chip so I did some passes through some likely looking spots, based on the above water ground contours and managed to mark some good schools of fish. With Friday morning along came the never ending WIND Which normally is no big deal except when it is insta-freezing on the boat and you have a 9 and 10 year old with you. No big deal we took it easy most of the day till the temps warmed to above freezing. I could when it was above 32 by the amount of icycles hanging from the boats rigging
. We took the kids to a small farm pond nearby for some gill action and the kids had a blast. They caught a ton of smalle gills ,but they didn’t care.
Later Fri afternoon I had had enough and set out to hook a whiskered critter. It did not take too long before I was reeling in an 8.6 pound channel cat, I ended up catching two more before bed one that went 30″ even and weighed 12.4 lbs and another 32 7/8″ monster that weighed just over 16lbs. This morning rolled around and we headed out on the lake early and managed another 31″ 15.5 lber, 29 3/4″, 28 1/2″ and the smallest of the trip at 8.4 lbs-26 1/2″.
After this mornings luck the kids were boderline mutinous something about food and the not having any breakfast yet . So they got fed a big ol breakfast and the group decided that we had enough of mother nature and packed up and headed home. All in all a VERY cold couple of days out camping ,but we were definately rewarded for our efforts.
Hopefully I can get the Pics will be up soon.
April 8, 2007 at 12:36 am