Just thought I’d give a quick western Nebraska report.IT seems like the weekend storm pretty well ended around the Roscoe area and west.They had snow a little west of there but more just a very strong wind front.I am not sure if it blew out the rest of the ice on Sutherland but I was down to Lake Ogallala on Monday and saw some of the strangest ice I’ve seen in a while.The north end of the lake blew almost completely clean the last week.Some of it had over 10″ of ice a week ago.The southwest edge still has over a foot of solid ice though.I drilled a hole just to check it.It was pretty solid all the way down.The main lake on Mcconaughey is getting a ring of water around the edge now and sheets are starting to crack apart.Hopefully with some warm windy weather it will start to break up. soon.
February 27, 2007 at 8:20 pm