Just thought I’d give guys a heads up the gills have been going pretty good, and some bass too. Even if I do have to catch them one-armed lately
I’ve fished some various public and private waters in Cuming County and contiguous counties. These are small waters so I’m not going to name them publicly.
Seems like the best thing on all of them has been about 16-18′ or wherever the last break is into a lake basin using very small jigs like Diamond Jigs in #16. I usually just thread on one spike onto the hook but have been experimenting with Gulp! small nightcrawlers due to a friends success. At times they are hot hot hot! BETTER than spikes or waxies. A real good way to do it is a small piece of the Gulp! and a spike to boot.
Best bite has been 7:30 – 9 AM and sunset. I’ve found more fish in weeds and timber but not as many biters. It seems the fish in the basins are there to eat. By that I mean there are times where you will catch almost every single fish you mark. That’s exciting!
Another thing is spring bobbers. I used to never bother with them and I wouldn’t even think of fishing for panfish without them anymore.
Here comes the storm…