Just wanted to get the word out about the 1st annual State Farm Open to be held April 14,15 2007 at Sherman Reservoir. This tournament has been designated by Cabela’s as an automatic qualifier for the Cabela’s NTC. The entry fee for the tournament is $300.00 per two person team. The payout is based on an 80 team field, with 1st place guaranteed $10,000.00, 2nd $5000.00, 3rd $3000.00, 4th $2000.00, 5th $1000.00, 6-7-8 $500.00. Payout will vary depending on number of entries, with 1 place per 10 entries. There will also be a drawing for a 987C HUMMINBIRD Locator. This tourney will be a great way to kick off the tournament season. To request a entry form e-mail [email protected] or contact tournament organizers Bill Seibert(308)440-3050, Scott Placzek (308)390-0721, or Tim Hoffman(308)293-0661.
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Nebraska State Farm Open
February 8, 2007 at 9:18 pm #534543
Thanks for the welcome Ben. I’ve been watching this site for quite a while, don’t know why it took me so long to register. I’ve really enjoyed your recent articles on ice-fishing at Sherman. I’ll probably be seeing you out their soon.
February 8, 2007 at 11:07 pm #534598Hey Bill, Welcome
I bet Matt is just stoked about the opportunity to be part of this thing
February 8, 2007 at 11:38 pm #534615Welcome to the campfire. Just as soon as I can confirm a partner i am in for the tourney.
February 9, 2007 at 1:19 am #534659Matt Pawlowski was a major factor in getting this thing going. He was my initial contact and sent me to the people we needed to go to. Matt’s help went above and beyond what was expected, which made the State Farm Open go from an idea to reality in about six weeks. Not only did he help push this thing through, he is also sponsoring the tournament plaques. I can’t thank him enough for all he has done. This really should be a first class event, and I for one can’t wait.
February 11, 2007 at 5:09 am #535354Nice to have you here these guys (and gals share a lot of info) as for the tourney Iam in sounds like a great time. welcome to IDA
February 12, 2007 at 2:55 pm #535690I recieved an entry form in the mail Friday. Hopefully, I can make this one.
February 15, 2007 at 5:32 pm #537305The response to the tourney has been great. So far we have entrants from Wyoming, Colorado, South Dakota, Iowa, and Minnesota along with our good ol’ Nebraska fisherman. Entries are coming in quite quickly, so anybody planning on fishing might want to get the entry forms in. If you need a entry form email [email protected]
March 9, 2007 at 4:09 pm #546873Entrys for the State Farm Open are really starting to come in. If any of your are planning on fishing this tournament and have not entered I would suggest you do so, soon. With the uncertainty of the water level, we are not sure how many teams we can have enter. The first 80 boats are guaranteed in, after that we are dependent on water levels, and boat ramps available. Get your entries in and guarantee your team a chance at $10,000.00.
Also, plan on sticking around after day 2 of the weigh ins even if your not in the money. There will be many drawings of particular interest to fishermen/women. You must be present to win any of the drawings. This tournament promises to be unlike any other tournament the state of Nebraska has seen.March 20, 2007 at 4:52 am #550728I can’t wait to get to sherman! Four more weeks and then its tournament time.
March 25, 2007 at 2:22 am #552978Who’s going? We are taking two boats down Thursday. We are staying in the cabins at Tradewinds Marina. Stop by for a beer or some food. The master chef is coming with us so we will trade food for fishing hotspots!!
March 26, 2007 at 1:52 pm #553385I will be up there every morning that week up until 11am but will be staying at home since it’s not much of a drive. See you there
Posts: 701March 29, 2007 at 3:27 am #55460175 with 2 weeks to go. Sounds like they are only taking 100 teams. I’m sure it will fill up and guys will get turned away. I suggest getting in within the next couple of days if you want a shot at $10,000 for 1st.
March 29, 2007 at 2:32 pm #554701Guys,
As of 3-27-07, we were at 78 teams in the tourney. We have not made definate plans to stop at 100. We are going to make the decision on the number of teams based on water levels. If the water level rises enough to use more of the boat launches, we will alllow more teams to participate. I personally would love to see a field of 120 teams. In past years, the Trade Winds Ice Out tourney fielded between 110 and 120 boats, which made for a great start to the tourney season. I do want to clarify one thing, the first place payout will remain at $10,000.00, no matter how many boats. We will be paying 1 out of every 10 teams, 120 teams = 12 places paid. There will also be a $40.00 option pot buy in, and a $10.00 big fish buy in. Black Hawk Marine is also donating cash for the big fish pot, so Big Fish will pay quite nicely.March 29, 2007 at 3:40 pm #554725THANKS BILL
I was wanting to say something about this after our conversation but figured you would be on to clarify for us. Always better from the horses mouth
Not that I think you are a horse, Bill
Ben, my partner for this year was fishing next to you on Sunday.
April 5, 2007 at 2:54 pm #557435If this 10 day forcast holds true things will be awful interesting at the tournament. We were really spoiled before this cold front hit.
Apr 05
Details Flurries
Hi: 33° Lo: 18°
Day: Chance of light snow. High 33F, humidity 50%. Winds ENE at 5 to 10 mph.
Night: Slight chance of light snow showers. Low 18F. Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph.
Apr 06
Details Fair
Hi: 35° Lo: 12°
Day: Mostly clear skies. High 35F, humidity 35%. Winds NNW at 15 to 20 mph.
Night: Clear skies. Low 12F. Winds NNW at 15 to 20 mph.
Apr 07 Clear
Hi: 37° Lo: 14°
Sunny skies. High 37F and low 14F. Winds N at 15 to 20 mph.
Apr 08 Fair
Hi: 51° Lo: 25°
Sunny skies. High 51F and low 25F. Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph.
Apr 09 Mostly Cloudy
Hi: 55° Lo: 37°
Cloudy skies. High 55F and low 37F. Winds SW at 10 to 15 mph.
Apr 10 T-storms
Hi: 57° Lo: 33°
Slight chance of thunder with light rain showers. High 57F and low 33F.
Apr 11 Cloudy
Hi: 50° Lo: 27°
Cloudy skies. High 50F and low 27F.
Apr 12 Showers
Hi: 44° Lo: 35°
Cloudy with showers. High 44F and low 35F.
Apr 13 Sprinkles
Hi: 53° Lo: 33°
Drizzle. High 53F and low 33F.
Apr 14 Showers / Clear
Hi: 45° Lo: 30°
Rain. High 45F and low 30F.
70%April 5, 2007 at 3:48 pm #557465Just as long as it in not windy, looks great to me
The longer the spawn can get drawn out, the better
Loks like there may be a little ice on the lines fishing this sat morning
April 5, 2007 at 4:22 pm #557494I actually don’t mind a 20-25 MPH wind. It makes boat control prioroty 1 and Pete and I can handle that. I’m counting on the wind to blow. If it don’t then it’s just a bonus. Spring cold fronts in Nebraska = lots of wind. (usually)
April 5, 2007 at 6:28 pm #557549Let it blow and blow some more. It seperates the men from the Boys
April 5, 2007 at 6:55 pm #557563Let it be dead calm and see how the boys are seperated from the men
April 6, 2007 at 2:03 am #557744Even Mother Nature can’t put a damper on this tournament! The weather forecast seems to change about every 4 hours or so. The only weather I don’t want to see is freezing temperatures(PWT at Chamberlain). I remember a few years ago before the Ice Out tourney @ Sherman, it hailed like crazy before day one of the tournament, that was interesting. Be sure and introduce yourselves to me at the rules meeting, looking forward to seeing everybody on Friday the 13th. FYI, as of 4-4-07 we are up to 88 teams.
April 6, 2007 at 1:36 pm #557847Jr. just won up at Chamberlain and now we get to fish against him in 8 days, how cool is that
April 14, 2007 at 7:05 pm #560761So is there any web site out there that might post the information from this tourny? (besides this one, and have all entrants/weights/days?)
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