Just a current report.I was on the little lake all day on Tuesday.Bluebird day the whole time and I caught fish the whole day.Swedish pimple with a wax worm or two.Color didn’t seem to matter.All white bass and perch.Only one problem .Big fish of the day was a 9 3/4 inch perch.
Several of the white bass were about that size also but there were alot of true dinks.I’m talking 3-4″ fish.Looked just like the perch colored thundercranks.I talked to almost everyone that fished that day and to the creel census guy with the state they said it has been similar to that most of the winter.I did see the largest perch I have seen for a long time though.A guy fishing near me caught a 13 and 3/4 incher. But the whole rest of the day was about like mine.
February 7, 2007 at 3:19 pm