Please welcome Omaha, Nebraska resident Jason Tomich
(J Tomich) to In-DepthAngling’s Field Staff!
Jason is an avid walleye tournament fisherman and can be found wetting his line on Lewis & Clark, Big Mac, the Missouri River System in S.D, and all of his tournament locations.
More about Jason, in his own words… “I have been fishing since I was in diapers. I used to be confused about my fishuality, chasing bass day in and day out. Now I have one target species, the ever elusive walleye. I eat, drink, sleep and live walleyes. I spend countless hours studying maps and journals of my past trips trying to better my knowledge of patterns and why the fish were doing what.
I am going on my 4th year as a professional angler. What a ride it has been. My first year I fished the RCL and learned a bunch, including that tournament fishing isn’t all fun. I don’t believe I was fully prepared for any tournament. In 2005, I made the switch to the PWT. I took a different perspective of the way I prepared for tournaments, and it payed off. I was West division Rookie of the Year and qualified for the championship, finished 26th. In 2006 I just missed the championship after a few bad decisions at Bay de Noc. In 2007 I am looking forward to fishing the FLW Walleye Tour.
I look forward to contributing to this great forum in any way possible. If anyone has any questions, feel free to contact me by way of pm or e-mail.”
Jason will be speaking at the Nebraska Walleye Association Expo Saturday, February 3rd and 4th, 2007 in Lincoln:
For more info on Jason’s seminar Click Here<<<
Welcome to In-DepthAngling’s Field Staff Jason! We’re thrilled to have you on board to help in the Nebraska forums!