Wish I could make it that far this weekend. Going to have to stay close to Kearney. Unless
I can make it to the BIG SLAB hole. Might have to see what happens! 
As far as tying some jigs up, I have around 500 heads poured, painted, and ready to tie. How about I send them with you Zach and you can tie them for me. 
I haven’t even had the lid off my components box in over 2 years. The marabou, bucktails, flashbou, and whatever else is in there is probably all shriveled up like a prune. 
Guess I just need to quit being so lazy and just get some tying done. Might just have to rekindle the spirit and start making jigs again. 1st, I have to finish up my proto-type spoon mold and get them working.